Senior Member

166 Posts
Posted - 12 April 2006 : 18:31:16
Dear Vaishnavs
Jai Shree Krishna
It gives me great pleasure to announce that P.P. gos 108 Shree Youshbawa from Mota Mandir Mumbai is visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain and will be residing until 18th April 2006.
He will be giving dicourse on the Fundamental Principles of Pushtimarg.
Anoop J. Purohit
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 17 April 2006 : 20:53:50
Jai Shree Krishna
Thankyou for the information Anoopji.
Kindly offer our Dandvat to Je Je.
And I am sure, you will be kind enough to share the divya vachnamruts with all of us here at Pushtikul. please be krupalu enough to share them with us.
Another request:
If it is possible to have a latest updates on the new books, cds, cassettes etc. released, kndly provide the details with address so that our pushtikul memebers can benefit from the same.
Dhanyavaad and Bhagwad samaran to you and your family.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Posted - 18 April 2006 : 23:02:30
Dear Shreekantbhai
Jai Shree Krishna
We had a lot of divya manoraths at the temple here in Bahrain. AApshree gave devine discourse on the 10 dharma of Pushtimarg. It was very interesting and most important for any person entering into Pushtimarg.
I will try to update you with regards to the vachanamrut. I will add a few pics of aapshree for all vaishnavs.
Bhagwat smaran
Anoop J. Purohit
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 19 April 2006 : 12:01:17
Jai Shree Krishna
Annopji, it is very nice to know that with the krupa of Shree Vallabhkul, the Bahrain Vaishnavs are experiencing Alukik anand. Bhai Aisio krupa bal to Shree Vallabhkul hi de sakhay.
I am indeed greatful to you for your efforts in adding the photographs of Je je and also I understand that soon we will be blessed with aapshrees vachnamruts too.
Many thanks Annopji. Humari vinanti aapne svikari, Hum aapke sadaiva abhari rahenge.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai