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Privacy Statement for Pushtikul Satsang Mandal

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Pushtikul Satsang Mandal reserves all the rights in terms of granting membership to it's applicant. It is not liable to provide a reason for denial of membership.

It is mandatory* to provide your Pushtimargiya Gurudev's name while registration along with other mandatory fields. Failure to do so may result in denial of membership.

* Incase you haven't taken Bramhasambandh Diksha, but wish to be a member of Pushtikul.com in order to learn more about Pushtimarg and take Bramhasambandh later, kindly register by keeping the "Gurudev's Name" field blank and send us an email at  anand@pushtikul.com  with details of your username and the objective behind joining Pushtikul Satsang Mandal . Failure to do so may result in denial of membership.

 In order to use these forums and some other features of this site, users are required to provide a username, password and email address. Neither the Administrators of these forums, or the Moderators participating, are responsible for the privacy practices of any user. Remember that all information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to share any of your personal information. Any user who finds material posted by another user objectionable is encouraged to contact us via email. We are authorized by you to remove or modify any data submitted by you to these forums for any reason we feel constitutes a violation of our policies, whether stated, implied or not.

This site may contain links to other web sites and files. We have no control over the content and can not ensure it will not be offensive or objectionable. We will, however, remove links to material that we feel is inappropriate as we become aware of them.

We give users two options for changing and modifying information that they provide in their profile:

  1. Users can login with their username and password to change any information in their profile.
  2. In case of lost password, users can send an email to anand@pushtikul.com.

Cookies should be turned on in your browser to participate as a user. Cookies are used here to hold your username and password and viewing options, allowing you to login.

By pressing the "Agree" button that you, the user, are 13 years of age or over. You are fully responsible for any information or file supplied by this user. You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums. In your use of these features, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, illegal software, computer virus, or violates any laws.

If you do agree with the rules and policies stated in this agreement, and meet the criteria stated herein, proceed to press the "Agree" button below, otherwise press "Cancel".

If you have any questions about this privacy statement or the use of our site, you can contact the administrator at: anand@pushtikul.com

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