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Entry Level Member

7 Posts
Posted - 31 October 2004 :  22:35:05
JAI SREEE KRISHNAText Sometimes when things go wrong continously for a long time and your faith starts shaking what do we do to restore it or what wrong could cause this bad luck plse advise

Senior Member

201 Posts
Posted - 01 November 2004 :  03:12:52
Dear Vaishnav Jai Shree Krishna Continue participating in Satsangs like these ones and half of your problems will be solved. May Shree Thakorji Grace. The above is opinionated only, am sure other members on this site will be willing to share their views. Please Vaishnavs Help? Vinod

Jai Shree Krishna Vinod Savjani Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - February 2004

225 Posts
Posted - 05 November 2004 :  02:21:41
Jayshrikrishna Vaishnava, this is kaliyug & what you have said keeps happenning to a lot of us. for this Shri Mahaprabhuji has explained us in Vivekderyashray granth how important it is for a vaishnava to have vivek, derya & ashraya. And in Krushnasraya grantha Aapshri explaines us how important it is for us to have BHAGVAN SHRI KRISHNA'S ASHRAYA. AND FOR ASHRAY SIDHI SHRI MAHAPRABHUJI HAS GIVEN US ASTAXAR MANTRA. * * SHRI KRISHNA SARNAM MAM : A SUGESTION IF YOU CAN GET SHRI RAMESHBHAI PARIKH'S (FROM MAHESANA) SHRIKRUSHNASRAYM STOTRA'S EXPLANATION CASSETS LISTEN TO IT , .

bindi Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 05 November 2004 :  10:34:41
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Shrimahaprabhuji has given us 2 types of mantras, and from which the astakshar mantra can be recited in any circumstances, this mantra is the ultimate answer for any of the problems. Keeping faith in the vaani of ShriVallabh will regain the faith.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 05 November 2004 :  12:25:25
Jai Shree Krishna Pradeep bhai, The adivice mentioned by Bindi ben is right. Do not loose heart Pradeepji. Shree Thakroji knows what is best for us, always have faith in him. let me share a small story with you... There two freinds, One was a Aasthik and the other was naasthik. The Aasthik always had faith in god, and was very nishtavaan, the naasthik believed in himself and never ever had prayed to god. They together once went out of station. There they came across a very famous temple. The Aasthik very much wanted to visited the temple, However the naasthik decide to stay outside at the gates. While standing there, looking here and there, the naasthik suddenly saw a gold chain lying on the ground. He picked it up and was happy with his luck. He suddenly noticed some commotion inside the temple and then found his freind coming out. When enquired, what the commotion was about. The Aasthik friend said, there was a scorpian near his footwear, and thanks to the others help he was saved. This made the naasthik laugh at the aasthik and say ... See you went to the temple and god gave you almost death, while i was standing outside i got this gold chain. Now you see, there is no such thing as god at all. Very perturbed, and in great dwividha the assthik was walking along in deep thought, while the naasthik joked and laughed at him. They came upon a sadhu Baba sitting under a tree. The Aasthik very much perturbed, whent and told the entire inicdent to the sant, and asked him why such a thing had happened. Had Thakorji really abondoned his bhaktha ? While listening to them both, the Sant had seen there rekhas in both the aasthik and nassthiks hands, and he smiled. He then first looked at the taunting Naasthik and smiling further said, the moment you recieved this gold chain, was the greatest moment in your life, for at that moment you where destined to recieve Kubers khajana, wealth a thousand times more than what you have now, but your moodta and disbealif in God at his very doorstep, denied you of this great wealth and what you have is this small piece of gold chain. With great affection he turned to the Aasthik and said, Shree Thakorji never ever lets down his bhaktha. The moments you spent in temple were moments of great danger for you. Kaal was behind you and you were facing certain death. But being inside the temple, and in Prabhus grace, even the scorpian couldnt touch you. It is the Lord who has saved you. Pradeepji, Thakorji always takes care of us and never ever abondons his bhakthas. Do smamran of the Astakshar mantra at all times be relieved of these undue tensions and troubles. Edited by - shreekant22 on November 05 2004 12:31:00

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Entry Level Member

51 Posts
Posted - 09 November 2004 :  13:43:16
Jai Shree Krushna, Very good encouragement by the vaishnavs, just to add to all these invaluable advice, may I also request some body to highlight on the reciting of Navratna at this time? The meaning of Navratna "chinta kapi ne karya.." may bring peace to the mind.Malefic periods in our lives are part and partial, otherwise we would be lost in worldly pleasures, we have to experience pariksha by shree thakurji and Shree Vallabha has shown us the path to prevail above all the short comings in our lives. Pradeepji my best wishes to you and prey for your more "dradhta" in Jagat Guru Shree Vallabhaacharya's principles. Shree Vallabha Dhis Ki Jai. Kandurp

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