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 Is Bhagavat Saptah non Pushtimargiya ??
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28 Posts
Posted - 25 May 2012 :  07:44:56
As per the 84 Vaishnavni Vaarta, we have Padmanabhdasji who obeyed Shree Mahaprabhuji's orders and quit performing Bhagavat saptah.

Also we have a reference from Sarvanirnaya Prakaran states: "Pathaniyam prayetnenam sarva hetu vivarjitam, vyutartham naiyva yanjit prane kanthgateyrapi, tadbhave yatheva syaat tatha nivohmachred"

Means:One should study Shrimad Bhagavad everyday, and should never be used to raise funds even for a good cause. One should never earn a livelihood on Shrimad Bhagavad even if His "Praan (life)" is stuck in his throat.

Kindly correct me if I am wrong as there are so many different opinions floating around but I am more convinced with these statements as they have been written by Shree Mahaprabhuji


President - Pushtikul.com

422 Posts
Posted - 02 June 2012 :  23:37:48
Reading Shrimadh Bhagwat for Udar Nirvaah (Earning livelyhood) is strictly prohibited for a Vaishnav.

Listening to Bhagwat Saptah is NEVER PROHIBITED for a Pushtimargiya Vaishnav.

The meaning "One should study Shrimad Bhagavad everyday, and should never be used to raise funds even for a good cause. One should never earn a livelihood on Shrimad Bhagavad even if His "Praan (life)" is stuck in his throat." itself clarifies that a person should not earn a livelyhood out of it.

For any Pushtimargiya Vaishnav it is infact fruitful to read/listen to Shrimadh Bhagwat atleast once in a lifetime if not more.

Shri Vallabhadhish ki Jai !!

Anand A. Majethia


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Posted - 04 June 2012 :  06:12:10
Dear Anandbhai Jai Shree Krishna, I am very pleased with your honest and sincere reply towards our Sampraday. A very good point you quoted that Pushtimargiya vaishnav should at least once in a lifetime read, study Shrimad Bhagwat or listen (shravan) from a person who does not take money at all in anyway in return. Shrimad Bhagwat increases Bhakti but one has to be very careful if he selects to shravan (listen) Shrimad Bhagwat from someone else. As per the "Jalbhed Granth" - sholka 3 from Shodash Granth of Shree Mahaprabhuji, if a Shrota (listener) is listening from a Vakta (narrator) who is accepting dravya (eg money) in any form then the effect on the listener is "more laukikta/ worldly desires" instead of Bhakti or even mukti. In this Kaliyug, it is a rare event where a selfless narrator is narrating Shrimad Bhagwat. Shree Mahaprabhuji in Jalbhed Granth teaches us in selecting the right narrator and if we don't find one it is best to read and study Shrimad Bhagvat on our own.

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166 Posts
Posted - 14 June 2012 :  17:59:17
Dear Vaishnavs,

Jai Shree Krishna,

Shreemad Bhagwad is not a story that can be read and you will understand the moral. It is a divine form of Shreenathji and no one except himself Shreeji can explain the true meaning of Shreemad Bhagwad. Shree Mahaprabhuji has tried to explain the meaning in Shree Subodhiniji, but even to understand Shree Subodhiniji is not easy. In this time and age the true meaning can only be understood from the vaani of Vallabhkul Aacharya.

While reading a book if you do not understand the meaning of a word, you will either Google it or see the dictionary. Similarly to understand the real meaning of Shreemad Bhagwad we need to listen to Vallabhkul Aacharya.


Anoop Purohit

Anoop J. Purohit Go to Top of Page
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154 Posts
Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:13:53
For a Pushtimargiya Vaishnava It is much more clear that what ShriMahaprabhu says is the ultimate answer. So when we refer to the Vaarta Prasang of Padmanabhdasji from 84 vaishnavas vaarta the following is the story :: Once, during a personal audience with Shri Mahaprabhuji, Acharya Shri recited a shloka to him, which, in essence means, "One should not make money by selling the Lord's name. Lord's name should only be taken to gain His love." Reciting Shri Bhagvat Puran to make money comes in to this category. Being intelligent, Padmanabhdasji realised that this was Acharyaji's way of pointing out his mistakes and so took a vow never to recite any Purans to make money ! Shri Vallabh was taken aback by the suddenness of his new disciple's vow. "Padmanabh, if you do this, how will you make any money ? This is your livelihood ! True, you should not recite the Bhagvatam to make money, but you are allowed, by laws of the scriptures, to make money by reciting Itihaas (ancient histories) such as MahaBharata." But, Padmanabhji was unswerving in his resolve. He decided not to make any more money by telling kathas.

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Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:20:36
ShriMahaprabhu's Vachans are the final words for us....lets also see the Vachans what shrimahaprabhu had given in the Vaarta, and that had been again re-phrased in the granth Tattvarth Deepa Nibandh Sarvanirnay prakaran Sloks :67, 243, 254 ......ततो भागवतं कृतम्| एतदभ्यसनात् लोको मुच्यतेऽनुपजीवनात्॥ साधनं परमेतद्धि श्रीभागवतमादरात्| पठनीयं प्रयत्नेन निर्हेतुकम् अदम्भतः॥ पठनीयं प्रयन्तेन सर्वहेतुविवर्जितम्॥ वृत्यर्थं नैव युज्जीत प्राणैः कण्ठगतैरपि॥ तदभावे यथैव स्यात् तथा निर्वाहमाचरेत्॥ meaning : तब व्यासजीने भागवतपुराण प्रकट किया जिसके अभ्यास(श्रवण-स्मरण-कीर्तन)से लोग मुक्त हो सकते हैं, बशर्ते भागवतका आजीविकार्थ उपजीवन न किया जाय, यह श्रीमद्भागवत एक श्रेष्ठ साधन है. अतः प्रयत्नपूर्वक, किसी लौकिक हेतु या दम्भ के बिना, आदरके साथ इसका पठन करना चाहिये. भागवतका पाठ प्रयत्नपूर्वक किसी भी अन्य हेतुके बिना ही करना चाहिये. प्राण चाहे कण्ठमें ही क्यों न अटक जाये परन्तु आजीविकार्थ उसका उपयोग नहीं ही करना चाहिये. भागवतका आजीविकार्थ उपयोग न करके और जैसे भी अपना निर्वाह चले चला लेना चाहिये (त.दी.नि.६७, २४३, २५४).

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Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:26:29
When ShriMahaprabhu had given orders for the Kathakaar that should not do for laukik prayojan....then how can we listen those kathakaars who are doing katha for laukik prayojans..........? kaise????? hume kiske muh se sunna chahiyen: lets see that also....because ShriMahaprabhu has not left any single loop for HIS PUSHTIMARG....it is our worst thoughts that we dont want to understand the truth..... From the Shodash Granth Jalbhed, ShriMahaprabhu had shown the Vakta (speaker)'s prakaar...whom we can listen or not.... Anoopji.....please understand this vachans....as this are the Vachans mool sloks of ShriMahaprabhu and may the bhaavarth be of our....but if u know Sanskrit, then make the passage thorough..... --> जलार्थमेव गर्तास्तु नीचा गानोपजीविनः॥ (जलभेद.५). Commentry by ShriGusaiji's 2nd Aatmaj ShriGovindraiji's Aatmaj ShriKalyanraiji. where aapshri gives the orders : --> पञ्चमं भावम् आहुः ‘जलार्थमेव’ इति. प्रक्षालनोच्छिष्ट-जलप्रक्षेपार्थमेव ये गर्ताः तत्तुल्याः नीचाः गानोपजीविनः इति अर्थः...तेन उच्छिष्ट-गर्त-जलवत् तेषां भावो न सद्भिः ग्राह्यः इति अर्थः...पौराणिकनिरूपणानन्तरं पुनः यद् गायकनिरूपणं तद् एतादृशानां पौराणिकानाम् एतद्गायक-तुल्यत्व-ज्ञापनार्थम्. (श्रीकल्याणरायविरचित-जलभेद-विवृति.५). -->जो लोग भगवद्गुणगानको अपनी आजीविकाका साधन बताते हैं ऐसे गुणगानकर्ता अपवित्र-मलिन-जल-को एकत्रित करनेके लिये जमीनमें खोदे गये गहरे गढ्ढेकी तरह होते हैं.(जलभेद.५) -->श्रीमहाप्रभु पांचवें भावका वर्णन करनेको ‘‘जलको एकत्रित करनेके लिये’’शब्दप्रयोग करते हैं. मुखादिके प्रक्षालनमें प्रयुक्त अपवित्र जलको एकत्रित करनेके लिये भूमिमें जो गढ्ढे खोदे जाते हैं उनके जैसे निम्न गानोपजीवी होते हैं...इससे यह आशय प्रकट हुआ कि प्रक्षालनोच्छिष्ट गर्तपूरित जलकी तरह इन गानोपजीविओंका भाव सत्पुरुषोंके लिये ग्राह्य नहिं होता...पौराणिकोंके भावके निरूपणके बाद जो गायकोंका निरूपण किया गया है वह ऐसे (आजीविकार्थ पुराणोंका उपयोग करनेवाले) पौराणिक ऐसे गायकोंके तुल्य हैं यह दिखलानेके लिये किया गया है (श्रीकल्याण.वि.ज.भे.वि.५).

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154 Posts
Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:37:57
Moreover To listen ShriBhagwatji requires three qualities 1. To have the knowledge of the Bhagwat Taatparya (meaning) 2. To be listened from the mouth of Bhakta (devottee only) 3. There should be Vairagya in the heart of listener and the reciter. Taking the prasang of Padmanabhdasji, He was a Kanojiya Brahmin and according to the shastras he has a right to sit on teh Vyaspith and recite the stories for the listeners. Padmanabhdasji was one of those kathakaars who used to earn livelihood by doing Bhagwat Saptaahs. Shri Padmanabhdasji used to occupy the seat of Vyasji first and perform katha from his place. He used to sit on a higher seat and never needed to visit anybody's place. Once, Shri Acharyaji came to Kanoj and Padmanabhdasji came for his darshan and heard a Bhagwat katha episode from him. He recognised Shri Acharyaji as Purushottam and came to his refuge. He got name and then did samarpan. Then after Utthapan Shri Achryaji opened his pothi (a bag where religious books are kept). He had stayed in the house of Shri Damodardas Sambhalwala. Padmanabhdas came here from his residence. He then got seated after bowing down to Shri Acharyaji. Then Shri Acharyaji recited the shloka of Nibandh: Pathaniya Prayatnen....Krushnamapnuyaah || Soon after hearing this Shri Padmanabhdas got up and filled his hands with water and took a vow that he will never earn money by preaching katha. At that time Shri Acharyaji told that Bhagwat should not be recited with intentions of earning money. But it is your occupation. So you may recite Mahabharat etc. But Padmanabhdasji told that once vow taken is taken. Now he will not recite anything. Shri Acharyaji asked that you are a responsible man with family. How will you maintain yourself? To this, Padmanabhdasji replied that he will not earn money by reciting Bhagwat. Instead, he will go and ask for alms to Jajmaan and earn his livelihood. Then he went to Jajmaan for some alms. The Jajmaan respected him. At that time, Shri Padmanabhdasji felt guilty that earlier he was just a Brahmin with Janoi (sacred thread) so this practice of asking alms suited him. But now he is a vaishnav with a kanthi-Tulsimala. It does not suit him anymore. So he decided not to ask for alms anymore. To this, Shri Acharyaji again asked him as to how is he going to maintain himself? To this, he replied that he would earn by doing some business. Then he started selling kodis and woods but never thought otherwise and performed seva till the end. Bodh::::::Realization of Shri Mahaprabhuji's swaroop. Faith on the sect. Readiness to tolerate any odds to suit the norms of the principles of Shri Mahaprabhuji. ShriMahaprabhuji here explains the importance of ShriBhagwatji that is the namatmak swaroop of ShriThakurji, how can a livelihood can be earned in the names of Shrithakurji??????????? ShriMahaprabhuji is "Vastutaha Krishna Eva" saakshaat shrikrishna swaroop. So aapshri knew for the future that what can happen in the future. Aapshri knew that tomorrow the followers will surely fell in the religion for to earn livelihood. So aapshri created this prasang making padmanabhdasji the nimit matra. Padmanabhdasji was the nirguja daivijeev, so he just got the switch pressed by ShriMahaprabhuji and he enlightened himself in the pure Non-Dualism Bhaktimarg with the wholesome aagyna of ShriMahaprabhuji. Today we do read the charitras of 84-vaishnavas also 252 and 78 bhagwadiya's charitra, we just read, and don't follow it. Many Bhagwat saptaahs organised today but don't find any jeevs get uddhar from this worldly matters as every saptaahs is a professional based. Present saptaahs are organised and only 2 persons r benefitted, 1.) The person or a group or a institution who is organising ( by financially, benefitted by the name, fame) and 2.) The person who would sit on the Vyas pith to recite Bhagwatji (getting finance ). ShriMahaprabhuji had never denied for listening or reciting any of the prasangs of Bhagwatji, but with one big restrictions that is it should not be for the sake of earning and any laukik purpose. ShriMahaprabhuji had created Nibandh Granth in 3 parts to explain aapshri's own explained shastras (siddhant). 1. Shastrarth Prakaran Nibandh, 2. Sarva nirnay prajaran Nibandh, & 3. Bhagwarth Prakaran. From these 3-granths Sarvanirnay Granth enriches the importance of Bhagwatji, before starting the Bhagwarth Prakaran. Aapshri expains the Vilakshanta (speciality) for Ved and Bhagwatji . The Desh, Kaal, Dravya, Karta, Mantra and Karma all these r 6 elements has to be pure to acheive the phal (fruit). and Ved-smruti-Purans, are dependent on these 6 elements. 'Kali' is the kaal of non-religion (adharma) and never these 6 elements are found together at present. But Bhagwatji has no bound to these elements as "Harihi Sarvatra Sarvada" and "Strotavya" explains that Bhagwatji can be listened in all the Kaals and all Desh. It is the nitya at any kaal, and the Daivi-Aasur, manushyas any are the Aadhikari. And this is the easy. Also the Saatvik Puran is the part of Bhagwatji. So is the reason why there are explained the importance of Bhagwatji in the other purans, But Bhagwatji has not included nay of the Importance of Other Purans. The ripen fruit of Ved is ShriBhagwatji, which clarifies the doubts raised in Veds. Now looking back more to SarvaNirnay Prakaran Nibandh, ShriMahaprabhuji gives aagyna : "Yatha-Yatha harihi krishno manasyavishate nije| Tatha-tatha sadhaneshu parinistha vivardhate ||240||" In this marg, by the word "Yatha-yatha" shows explaination of poona, as by listening the kirtans of ShriBhagwan, creates attraction, love in the bearts of the jeevs for Bhagwan. Similarly increases the Shradha in seva. So to say that gets aasakti in Bhagwaan. So Sarvada in all kaal the prime importance is the seva for routine life. Now , today even daily doing Shravan-Kirtanaadi also brings no bhaav for Bhagwan, just becomes a karma, no bhakti. One reason that shravan-kirtan is not done faithfully. Then to remove these obstacles of Shravan-Kirtan, by "Krishne Sarvatmane" top keep always deenta, and keep the bhagwatbhaav at all places. And even if someone does apmaan, should not get angry, and Most important that do not keep any expectations from ShriGurudev and ShriThakurji. To attain this beauty can be done, always do chant the name of shribhagwan and also the Leela-Gunaanuvaads of ShriPrabhu should be done without shame. Means at all places chanting the fame and faith of shrithakurji will enhance the jeev to attain the siddhi. Also always doing the kirtan of "ShriBhagwatji" will attain the best fruit. For attaining the fruit, requires to leave back all the kapat (theftness), and also the kaamna (expectations), and with respectly to do the paath of ShriBhagwatji. here shrimahaprabhuji is not giving the aagyna to do bhagwat saptaahs ::::::: . Showing the mahamatya of Bhagwan, all importance, and enhances how to elaborate love in Bhagwan, is explained The Bhagwat Mahapuran. Now in this world, love is not inspired inthe hearts of the Bhakts (Listeners), So shrimahaprabhuji shows three elements for bhakts to listen bhagwatji. 1. To have the knowledge of the Bhagwat Taatparya (meaning) 2. To be listened from the mouth of Bhakta (devottee only) 3. There should be Vairagya in the heart of listener and the reciter. And also for attaining the peak of Bhagwatji, again main important is required the "Aadhikaar". And the katha should not be purposely done for any such professional aspects. Shrimahaprabhuji explains the importance of Bhagwatji, in the vaarta prasang of Padmanabhdasji and also in the Sarvanirnay PRakaran Nibandh Granth.

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154 Posts
Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:40:20
When many things are clear from our ShriMahaprabhu's Vachans....then why we wanted to do Bhagwat Saptaahs?

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Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:42:21
Padmapura quotes the Bhaagwat Mahamatya : "Viprairbhagwati Vaarta Gehe Gehe Jane Jane || Karita kanlobhen katha saarsto gataha ||71||" This kaarika is from the Bhagwat mahamatya. Where naradji explains to bhakti why adharmi's r too hard on this kaliyug. Meaning of this kaarika is "brahmins for earning livelihood through money had started doing bhagwat sambandhi vaartas to which the fruit of katha had been demolished" This explains the importance of bhagwatji that should not be done for earnings, which is happening today. And even shrimahaprabhuji had said too. But we had 2 ears,, 1 to listen and other to forget it.

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Posted - 20 June 2012 :  18:44:38
A snippet from the Padma Puran: NAROTTAM---THE BRAHMIN Describing about the importance of five virtuous deeds, Pulastya said to Bheeshma---"The five supreme virtuous deeds are--obedience to parents, faithfulness towards husband, equanimity, not having enmity towards friends and devotion towards Lord Vishnu. By pleasing his father, one pleases all the deities. Mother is superior even to all the places of pilgrimage combined together. Pulastya then narrated the same tale to Bheeshma, which lord Brahma had once told some prominent sages --- Once, there lived a famous Brahmin called Narottam. He had acquired divine powers on account of his austere penance but unfortunately he never treated his parents with respect.After taking his daily bath, Narottam hanged his wet clothes in the open sky without any support and they used to dry without falling down on the earth. This special power had made him very arrogant.One day, a crane flying in the sky passed dung on his face, which made him very furious. Narottam cursed the crane as the result of which it was burnt to death. His special power vanished due to the sin acquired by killing an innocent bird. Now, no longer his clothes remained in suspended position in the sky. Narottam became very sad. Suddenly he heard a heavenly voice instructing him to see a 'chandala' named Mook. "His discourses would be beneficial for you."- Said the heavenly voice. Narottam went in search of Mook--the chandal and found him in the servitude of his parents. Mook was a great devotee of his parents and his total devotion towards his parents had blessed him with an extraordinary power-his house used to hang in the air without any support.Narottam was deeply amazed at this wonderful sight. He wanted to know how Mook had acquired such divine powers. But, Mook requested him to wait, which made Narottam very angry. Mook then told Narottam---"I can talk to you only after attending to my parents. I am not that crane which was charred to death by your curse. If you don't have time then go and meet that 'faithful-wife. She will answer your questions." Narottam did not know where that faithful wife lived, so he stood there wondering what to do next. Suddenly Lord Vishnu emerged from Mook's house disguised as a brahmin. He took Narottam to the 'faithful-wife's house. All along the way Lord Vishnu preached Narottam on the qualities of a chaste woman. As both of them were about to reach that chaste woman's house, lord Vishnu disappeared, leaving Narottam all alone. Narottam requested the woman to enlighten him on the finer points of virtuosity. But, the woman was busy attending her husband and requested him to wait. Narottam threatened to curse her, to which the woman replied---I am not that crane whom you had cursed. If you are in a hurry then you can go and meet 'Dharm--Tulaadhar'. He is an honest businessman and is capable of answering your queries." Lord Vishnu once again appeared from that woman's house disguised as a brahmin. Narottam asked him as to how were both Mook and faithful-wife aware of the incident in which the crane was charred to death. Lord Vishnu told him that both of them had acquired this special power by the virtue of their respective religiousness. Lord Vishnu and Narottam proceeded towards the place where Dharmtuladhar did his business transactions. As they were about to reach the place, Lord Vishnu disappeared once again, leaving Narottam all alone.Narottam saw Dharmtuladhar busy in his dealings with total honesty. He requested him to reveal as to what made the wet clothes to hang in the air without any support. Dharmtuladhar requested him to wait but Narottam was in a hurry to get answer to his questions. Dharmtuladhar told Narottam--Please wait for sometime, as I am busy doing my business transactions. If you don't have time then you can go and meet Adrohak, who is fully capable of giving answer to your questions. Lord Vishnu once again accompanied him disguised as a brahmin. When both of them were about to reach the place where Adrohak used to live, lord Vishnu disappeared and Narottam was left all by himself, once again. Narottam requested Adrohak to preach on the essence of religiousness. Adrohak was a man of impeccable conduct and had full control over the sensual urges. He advised Narottam to meet the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu, who lived nearby. Adrohak said-- You would get answers to all your questions. He will reveal to you the reason that made wet clothes to hang in air without any support.Narottam then proceeded towards the place where the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu lived. Lord Vishnu once again accompanied him in the guise of a brahmin.After reaching there, Narottam expressed his desire of seeing Lord Vishnu. The supreme devotee took him to a temple situated inside the house-premise. Narottam was amazed to see the same brahmin, who had been accompanying him all along the way, siting on a lotus flower. He realized that the brahmin was lord Vishnu himself. Lord Vishnu blessed him and said---Be respectful towards your parents, if you want to attain to my abode. I dwell in the houses of people who are virtuous, truthful, possessed equanimity and who have full control over their passion. This is why you found me present at the homes of chandal, Tuladhar & Adrohak. Narottam realized his mistake and decided to be in the servitude of his parents for the rest of his life...........

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