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Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  02:12:20
Jai Shri Krishna,

When is the next Purshotam Month coming?

What are its importance.


Pushtikul Elite Member - October 2003

219 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  11:02:03
Jai Shree Krishna to All, I would like to give the answer to this question: Purshottam Month is also called Adhik Maas. And comes after every three years so the next Purshottam Month will come in the year 2007. Explanation: Purshottam / Adhik Maas Adhik - Extra Maas - Month Purshottam - Supreme Lord The Hindu calendar is based on the lunar cycle rather than the solar cycle. Due to this, an extra month arises after every thirty two month period. During this month additional Religious duties are performed as prescribed in the Shikshapatri (Slokha 77-78) e.g. pradikshina, mala, listening to katha etc. Satsangi's also give gifts to the Lord and alms to Brahmins and the poor according to their ability. This month is regarded as very auspicious and great Punya is attached to it, so it is very important that we do not waste this opportunity to serve Shreejibava to the best of our ability. Regards Jignasa

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  11:23:44
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Adhikmas has nothing to do with Pushtimarg as far as its origin is concern. What is Adhikmas:Calendar dates that we are so familiar with in our daily life is based on solar calendar. English calendar is a solar calendar. The basis for solar calendar is the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. It takes earth approximately 365 ¼ days to omplete ts rotation around the Sun. The English calendar that most of us use today divides the 365 days of earth’s period of rotation around the Sun in twelve months. The leap year, which occurs once every four years, accounts for ¼ day per year. Similar to solar calendar lunar calendar is also popular and widely used in the Asian countries such as China, Middle East countries, and India. The lunar calendar is based on the moon’s rotation around the Earth. The lunar month corresponds to one complete rotation of Moon around the Earth. Since this period of rotation of moon around the earth varies, the duration of lunar month also varies. On average, the lunar month has about 29 ½ days. In addition to moon’s rotation around the earth, the lunar year is based on earth’s rotation around the Sun. In general, the lunar year has twelve lunar months of approximately 354 days, thus making it shorter by about 11 days than the solar year. However, the lunar calendar accounts for this difference by adding an extra lunar month about once every 2½ years. This extra lunar month is known as the “Adhik Mas” in India (Adhik = extra and the Mas = month). The concept of the Adhikmas (the extra month) is similar to the “Blue Moon” in the West, which occurs almost with the same frequency of 2 ½ years. Blue moon is the second full moon when two full moons occur in the same month. Naturally the blue moon must occur towards the end of month (some where between 29th, 30th or 31st of the month). Manorath & Adhikmas Pushtimarg was born in the religio-social setup of Vaidic Varnashram Sanatana Dharma (VVSD) which consist of Scripture, Scriptural deities & rituals, 16 Samskaras, 4 Varna, 4 Ashrams, 5 Yajnas etc. and, of course, lunar calendar. The twelve lunar months are: Chaitra1, Waishakh2, Jyeshta3, Ashadh4, Shravan5, Bhadrapad6, Ashvin7, Kartik8, Margshirsh9, Paush10, Magha11, Falgun12. Devatas are deputed as Adhipati of each of these months. Adhikamas was an additional month. It could not find any Adhipati Devata. Therefore, Vishnu Himself became Adhipati of Adhikmas. Since then it is known as Purushottama-mas. All traditional regular rituals are fixed as per 12 months in which Adhikmas does not occur. Therefore, no such rituals can be done in the month of Adhika. Since no other rituals are permissible in Adhikmas, special rituals are arranged for Adhikmas in VVSD. Similarly, course of Shri Krishna-service and the festivals calibrated in the course of Shri Krishna-service are also arranged as per season and lunar calendar. Except daily service and offerings in accordance with prevailing season, no other guideline is available about Shri Krishna-service in Adhikmas. Therefore, ardent devotees whose wishes regarding Krishna Seva are not fulfilled during the course of Nitya and Utsava Seva, find open field to accomplish their wishes by the way of various Manraths. Manorath, which are spontaneous and natural outcome of devotees longing to serve his loving God in novel & fabulous way has been become, now a day, rule. That is, they are celebrated, without exception, each & every day of Adhikmas. Poor innocent Manoratha has become, now a day, fabricated. Because of the slogans "Manoratho no mas Adhikmas" and atmosphere created by such slogans, devotees feel guilty if they cannot do Manoratha. This way they are forced to celebrate Manoratha. This is very adverse facet of Adhikmas.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  11:27:07
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Many says that adhik maas means the month of adhik bhakti, how much it is so, i.e. the whole 3 years jeev don't do bhakti? if it is so that is the jeev waiting for 3 years to come for adhik maas?

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  12:34:14
Jai Shree Krishna Gopal bhai, your explanation is very well taken. I too disagree to the excessive bhakthi bit during adhik maas. Especially in pushtimarg, where bhakthi is a continuous process of meditation through Seva, viprayog and viniyog. However, we find today that many jeevs, do not bother to even do darshan during the regular days of the month, but suddenly during this 1 month, they become very active, involved with all kinds of fasting, darshans etc. This, it seems a bit difficult to digest. However, during listening to one of the satsangs by a vidvan, he said an improtant episode which i would like to share here... Once in a village there was a blind Sadhu and his disciple, sho use to daily make there rounds for bhiksha. At a particualr house, the lady would never give them bhiksha. however the Sadhu use to go to this house to daily, irrespective of not getting any bhiksha from them. One day the lady of the house, irritated by the sadhus daily approach, took some raakh (ashes) form the chulha and put it in the sadhus jholi, the sadhu gave her aashirwad, inspite of being warned by his disciple. After the leaving the house, the disciple chided the sadhu for giving aashivad inspite of receiving raakh in bhiksha. To this the Sadhu baba advised his disciple and said, all these days she never ever gave anything, So what if she gave raakh, atleast today she developed the habit of giving, which is in itself a step in the positive direction, hence the aashirwaad. Similarly, let us feel happy that if not daily atleast once in 21/2 / 3 years Vaishnavs get involved in Shree Thakorjis seva and darshan. I would like clarify here that i am not criticising anyone, neither taking an elitist stand, rather I consider myself also to be one such vaishnav only.

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  16:46:05
JAI SHREE KRISHNA SHREEKANTBHAI An excellent example of "POSITIVE" So what if she gave raakh, atleast today she developed the habit of giving, which is in itself a step in the positive direction, hence the aashirwaad. Even in this day and age Science says when on a task, think positive and half the problem is sloved. Since the episode is posted by yourself, I would like to request to build/post this episode on other site, of course all credits due will be posted as well. This is to avoid any copyright infringments. Thanking you in anticipation Vinod

JAI SHREE KRSNA Go to Top of Page
Mover & Shaker Member

398 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  17:31:07
Jai shree krishna, Congratulation Gopalji, as usual right on bulls eye, versatile explanation and precise. My only concern is that as a vaishnava, we should not wait for Adhik Maas to do Adhik manorath but as Pushti Margiya Vaishnava all our time of the life span should become an Adhik Manorath. I pray to Prabhu that all vaishnava do adhik manorath on every seconds of their life span. Daso no Daas Pushtidas.

Dasa no das Pushtidas Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - October 2003

219 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  21:40:06
Jai Shree Krishna, Vasantbhai we all have given you the explanations of Adhik Maas. Please give us the right explanation and guidance. Shreekanthbhai I do agree with you on this topic and also liked your narration. Regds Jigna

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Senior Member

239 Posts
Posted - 04 October 2004 :  11:58:06
Jai Shree Krishna, I do agree with all the comments that we have to do adhik bhakti all the 3 years but not only wait for Purshotam mass. But as we have to take care of all living animals (jivs), but we give special importance to Cows. As we as have to be compassionate to all humans, but we have to be very careful in our dealings with Brahmins and Vaishnavs. I believe in the same way we have to bhakti all the 3 years but, have to do the same in Purshotam Mass, as Shree Krishna has given refuge to this Adhik Mass and made it now his own i.e. Purshotam Mass. Once again we have to do bhakti all the time, but atleast do the same if not more during Purshotam Mass.

Jai Shree Krishna Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 05 October 2004 :  11:35:25
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Thanku all vaishnavas if u all agree with this argument,. then why to wait for a long time? Start our service to ShriHari,Guru,Vaishnava in the perimeter of ShriAacharayji's aagyna.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 06 October 2004 :  03:48:12
Jai Shri Krishna, Jignabhen, to answer your question it will be difficult as the book (pustak) that describes Purshottam month and its importance as about 130 pages but will tell you in short. As explained earlier all months have a guru and God ruling over them which give fruits as desired by the devotees who fast including on ekadashis but this Purshottam Mas (excess period)had no guru nor God governing over Him or giving fruits so He was dissappointed and complained to Shri Narayan who felt pity on Him and promised to take Him to God and make Him happy and get the problem resolved. God then after listening decided and promised Purshottam Mas that not to worry those who will pray and keep Ekadashi too during that period will be liberated from sins, people who need wealth will get wealth and people who need kids will get kids and if they have any worldly desires they will be full filled. It was Lord Krishna who visited Yudhistar (Pandva Brothers) in the forest when they were having difficult times then Lord Krishna told them to observe Purshottam Mas and they just did that. Lord explained them that why Draupadi has 5 husbands now and He also told Draupadi everything about her previous birth. Then there are other stories of different people who kept their Purshottam Mas ekadashi knowingly and not knowingly and all were rewarded . Requesting please buy that pustak and read it. My advise to vaisnavs do your seva everyday do not wait for Purshottam Mas (Month) only but during Purshottam Month do more. As Lord Krishna is the giver and when He gives He gives a lot.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
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