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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  10:05:16

Jai jai shri gokulesh

2nd sthal ……(11/3/23 to 11/3/28)

 * Upaya

 C) “Sarvatratmesvaranviksam kaivalyam aniketatam I

         Vivikta chira vasanam santosam yena kenachit II” (11/3/25)

Sarvatra : Everywhere

Atma : For one's true self

Esvar : For the supreme personality of the godhead

Anviksam : Meditation by keeping continiously in view

Kaivalyam : Solitude

Aniketatam : Having no fixed residence          

Vivikta-chira : Scraps of cloth found in unfrequented places

Vasanam : Wearing

Santosam : Satisfaction

Yena-kenachit : With anything


One should practice meditation by constantly seeing oneself to be an eternal cognizant (Mindful) spirit soul and seeing the Lord to be the absolute controller of everything. To increase one's meditation, one should live in a secluded place and give up false attachment to one's home and household paraphernalia. Giving up the decorations of the temporary material body, one should dress himself with scraps of cloth found in rejected places, or with the bark of trees. In this way one should learn to be satisfied in any material situation.

Edited by - unnati on 25 July 2006 12:17:23

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  10:19:04

Jai jai shri gokulesh

2nd sthal ……(11/3/23 to 11/3/28)

 * Upaya

 D) “Shraddham bhagwate shashtre nindam anyatra chapi hi I

         Mano vak karma dandam cha satyam sama damavapi II” (11/3/26)

Shraddham : Faith 

Bhagwate : Related to supreme lord

Shashtre : In scripture

Anindam : Not blashming

Anyatra : Others

Cha : Also

Api hi : Indeed

Mano : Of the mind

Vak : Speech

Karma : And one's activity

Dandam : Strict control

Cha : And

Satyam : Truthfulness

Sama : Self control of the mind

Damav : And the external sense

Api : Also


One should have firm faith that he will achieve all success in life by following those scriptures that describe the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan. At the same time, one should avoid blaspheming other scriptures. One should rigidly control his mind, speech and bodily activities, always speak the truth, and bring the mind and senses under full control.

Edited by - unnati on 25 July 2006 12:20:04

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Himanshu Shah
Entry Level Member

3 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  15:06:03

{Gokulnath Bade Maharaj "MALA TILAK" ki rakhi laaj}

Jai Jai Shri Gokulesh................

The way explaination is going on, believe me its fabulous,[/pre]
 just one querry as per the explaination in 2nd Sthal (C)[/pre]
 as said,"one should live in a secluded place and give up[/pre]
 false attachment to one's home and household [/pre]
paraphernalia. Giving up the decorations of the temporary[/pre]
 material body, one should dress himself with scraps of [/pre]
cloth found in rejected places, or with the bark of trees.[/pre]
 In this way one should learn to be satisfied in any [/pre]
material situation." [/pre]
With all due respect to Vallabh wani ,How far we can[/pre]
 follow this adnya in todays desh-kaal paristhiti?is there any provision given in our [/pre]
shastra in accordance with the current situation?. [/pre]
I might be wrong but jst would like to sort out this small querry[/pre]

Himanshu Shah[/pre]
Shri Gokulesh Pathshala[/pre]

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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  15:36:24

Jai jai shri gokulesh

Himanshu Bhai, Nice query for this Gopalbhai has explained this beautifully  with reference to Tikkaji of Shri Purushottamji.

Brahmasambandh-Karnaat-Sarveshaam Dehjeevayo ||
Sarvadoshnivruttirhi Dosha PanchVidhya Smrutaha || 2 ||

For the 2nd's sloks ShriPurushottamcharan Gives very very beautiful explainations in apshri's Tika on this granth.

Brahmasambandh : - Brahmasambandh means to admire, to follow, to understand the Swamiroop of ShriBhagwan with all elements. To do Brahmasambandh means :- Bhagwan had said the method of Aatmasamarpan in Gadhyamantra, in that ways the all elements along with Swa-Aatma had to be offered (samarpan) to bhagwan. Also to follow Swamiroop to ShriBhagwan. Sa Vai Naiva Rem (Bruhad 1-4-3) the Shruti Vachan, and "Kridarthamatmanam Idam Trijgadkrutam te Savamyam ..".. (bhagwat 8-22-20) ShriBhagwat Vachan. In the Shruti it is said that " according to this shruti, bhagwan had made the new world for Swa-raman - his plays, he makes play, and he quiets. So in this world the jeev whatever exercises may be swa-tva, or swityatva, jeev does tyag by understanding the bhagwaditya in that "Swa" and "Sviyat". is called to do Brahmasambandh.

So by Brahmasambandh the Samast Samarpit Souls or the "Deh-Jeev" (Dehjeevayo) or the the physical bodily (sthul-ling sharir) means by the word Deh in Dehjeevayo is the Sthul Sharir, which is visible by our naked eyes., . And jeev means the Ling Sharir which lies inside the Sthul Sharir made of 17 tatvas. Which makes the micro body (sukshma sharir) which is also called as "Ling Sharir" ----

"SarvaDosh Nivruttirhi" :- Now describing the meaning of "SarvaDosh Nivruttirhi" . In the main sloka the word "hi" comes in "SarvaDosh Nivruttirhi Hi is the meaning of Nischay - not changable - strongly the meaning . (eg by doing sarva samarpan to bhagan, the all doshs gets eliminated which can be strongly said, by ShriGokulesh in ShriGitaji (9-27) "What ever you do, what ever you eat, do offer first to me " by these words prabhu directly orders us for the first offer for him of any of our karmas) Also in Gitaji (9-2Cool by this way you will be free from all subh-ashubh karmas phalas and by giving this type of sanyas yog, the chitt will get mukt and will attain me. By this orders bhagwan the fruit also is described. Now to understand more firmly, ShriPurushottam Charan Quotes the Shrimad Bhagwat's Vachan "Hey Rajan, by following these bhagwad dharmas, the jeev doesnot get affected to any vighnas " (11-2-36)

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  15:38:36

Jai jai shri gokulesh


......In jeev, the pramad etc with lack increases in Bhagwad Dharma. This is only Uchit - True. In reality the BrahmaRoopa in all to be seen the jeev has to experience the Bhagwadiyata, by seeing Brahmaroopta in all. So by expreiencing BHagwadiyata the prakrut Gunas doshs gets elinimnated. Now we say that "Jeev to Swabhaav Thij Dust Chhe" then will Shriprabhu will accept or reject that jeevs Seva? So The Tikakaar ShriPurushottamCharan gives aagyna that do not worry for Such . Why???

Sarvesham:- by the Pad Sarvesham in the Mool kaarika means "dev, asur, manushya, yaksha and gandharva, etc, can do the Bhajan of ShriGokulesh, having same kalyan bhaav for Bhagwad Bhajan for any of the Jeevs. (Shrimad Bhagwat 7-7-50). These r the Prahlad Vakya from Shrimad bhagwad explaining that all jeevs r equally eligible for Prabhu Bhajan. So ShriMahaprabhuji used the word "Jeev" in the Mool kaarika in the samast pad of "Dehjeevayo" ShriPurushottamcharan gives aagyna that the pad "Jeev" should take the meaning of Sharir Vishisth -- jeev (aatma-soul) not by only jeev. Because if we don't take meaning of jeev as aatma, then also jeev-aatma is without any dosh-doshrahit and it has no relation with any one. So in this way, there the "Deh" pad used differently "Sthul sharir and sukshma--ling sharir" which doshs descrbbed r due to expreencing regular the doshs of Sthul sharir - physical material body. This material physical body - sthul sharir is the treassury of all doshs. So to eliminate these doshs, the "Deh "pad is been used and is been sepereted from jeev, where deh -- sthul sharir and jeev -- sukshma--ling sharir......

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  15:40:41

Jai jai shri gokulesh

In the poorva slok Shri Mahaprabhuji gave aagyna that by doing Brahmasambandh all the doshs of jeevs gets destroyed. Alsothese doshs are of 5 types and in this sloka (3rd) ShriMahaprabhuji had shown how these 5 doshs can be cured
the 5 doshs r sahaj, deshkaal, lokved, sanyog, and sparsh
Now all 5 doshs what r they????

ShriGokuleshprabhu in aapshri's tika explains the Sahaj Dosh.....
Dehen Sahaiva Jayante Sahaja||"
The doshs getting into existence with this physical body is Sahaj. because body is made of 5 element- agni,jal,vayu,prithvi,aakash--panchmahabhoot. So due to lack of Bhagwad Sambandh, in jeevs creates the possibility to get sahaj dosh. These dosh can be cured by Bhoot-suddhi, etc in pooja marg. Similarly in the Pooja-sthaan (place of worship) there is the sepcification of doing purification of the Aasan, etc in pooja. So it clearifies that dosh is also there in the Pooja-Sthan, So "
Apsamarpantu Te Bhutvv-- do away the obstacles or "pavitram kuru cha aasan--do purify the aasan". , etc mantras are there to purify.

Now ShriPanchamkumar ShriRaghunathprabhucharan gives the aagyna ::-
"SAhaj Dos-Aapshri also explains the same that the dosh apears with physical body filled with Kush-apsmar etc diseases is Sahaj Dosh. Also Aapshri adds that Kaam-krodh, etc are also Sahaj Dosh".

------>While ShriKalyanraiji gives Aagyna that ::Taken birth in the Hin-jaati like Shudra-kirat is sahaj dosh

---------->ShriVrajotsavji Wants to explain differently for Sahaj Dosh:::-Our deh is Bhautik-material, so by thinking of prakrut gunas, the sahaj dosh comes into existence. So sahaj dosh comex to existence by the nature (swabhav) of jeev. And this body is only an identification, in reality all the indriyas are prakrut, and jeev is dust by swabhaav. Do all things but dont do bhagawd bhajan....such bhaav leads to sahaj dosh

Wherea------->ShriGokulotsavji gives something different that "sahaj dosh are those doshs which comes from Pran-Adhyas. Becausefrom the birth, jeev gets involved in the pran-poshan (physical body growth) and so the pranadhyas roopi dosh is the Sahaj Dosh./

------------->Now ShriPurushottam Charan, ------::::----- Aapshri gives aagyna that the Prachin Aacharyas (shrigokulnathji, shriraghunathji, shrihariraicharan, etc) only explained the 5 doshs by itls swaroop. And these acharyas had not explained of exampled notification of this doshs,. except ShriGokulnathji. Others had not thought for these doshs and not even said the Nivrutti prakaar, Might be these aacharyas thought that it can be very difficult for the Adhunik (modern) Jaghaniyadhikari jeevs (lowest adhikari), jeevs r not liable for the purification, this might be tought by poorvacharyas. But I (ShriPurushottamcharan) fully agree with ShriGokuleshprabhu, what aapshri narratted.

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  15:43:14

Jai jai shri gokulesh

Desh Kalottha

ShriGokuleshPrabhu gives aagyna "Prata-Hom, Brahmayagya, or madhyan, after doing these karmas do Pooja of ShriPurushottam" etc Vachans are there for Mantra-Raj granth in Anustup Channd. So there is possibility of Kaal (time) dosh. For Pooja, there is a fixed time described in doing pooja. So if time missed of pooja, may lead to Kaal Dosh. So by this reason "Desh Kalotha" Implies both to desh and kaal doshs.

--->ShriRaghunathji gives following orders "By Desotha -- the doshs comes by staying in Magadh, Mlechha etc places. \And by kKaalootha -- Kaal is Rudraroopa and also kalpadi roop,. so the doshs here are kalotha. "

----> ShriKalyanraiji gives aagyna that Desotha means by "eating food-grains which have been growh from the dush desh like Magadh etc. And kalotha means the relation with dust kaal like eclipse are kalotha dosh"

---->Now ShriVrajotsavji gives orders "The same as Poorvacharyas. Aapshri addes the desh doshs are the doshs comming from staying in Saurashtra, Magadh, etc and moreover jeev is swabhavata dusta, then staying in dust desh, leads to desh doshs."

----> ShriGokulotsavji Relates the Deshkalotha with DehAdhyas. The doshs comming by deh-adhyas are desotha because by doing gaman (roaming) in dust deshs gives the desotha doshs and kalotha by swaroop vismruti because the kaal-time the jeev forgets it's swaroop.

------->And ShriPurushottamCharan gives the same aagyna as ShriGokuleshPrabhu. Ahead aapshri adds that Desh and Kaal are inter related to each other so they are equal and are said as one word "DeshKalottha"

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Mover & Shaker Member

280 Posts
Posted - 18 July 2006 :  17:59:33
Jai Shri Krishna!!

Good going, nice efforts Unnatiji.

Jai Shree Krishna!!


Monica. Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 25 July 2006 :  11:13:56

Jai jai shri gokulesh

2nd sthal ……(11/3/23 to 11/3/28)

 * Upaya

 E) “Shravanam kirtanam dhyanam harer adbhuta-karmanah I

         Janma - karma gunanam cha tad arthe khila chestitam II” (11/3/27)

Shravanam : Hearing

Kirtanam : Chanting

Dhyanam : Meditation

Harer : Of the supreme lord

Adbhuta-Karmanah : Whose activities are wonderful

Janma : Of his incarnation

Karma : Pastimes

Gunanam : Transcendental qualities

Cha : And

Tad-Arthe : For his sake

Khila : All

Chestitam : Endeavors 


One should hear, glorify and meditate upon the wonderful transcendental activities of the Lord. One should specifically become absorbed in the appearance, activities, qualities and holy names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Edited by - unnati on 25 July 2006 12:23:14

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 25 July 2006 :  11:40:04

Jai jai shri gokulesh

2nd sthal ……(11/3/23 to 11/3/28)

 * Upaya

 F) “Istam dattam tapo japtam vruttam yacchatmanah priyam I

         Daran sutan gruhan pranan yat parasmai nivedanam II” (11/3/28)

Istam : Whatever worship one performs

Dattam : Whatever charity

Tapo : Penance

Japtam : Whatever mantra one chants

Vruttam : Religious activities performed

Yat : What

cha : Also

Atmanah : To oneself

Priyam : Dear         

Daran : Wife

Sutan : Son

Gruhan : Home 

Pranan : Vital Air

Yat : Which

Parasmai : Unto the supreme

Nivedanam : Offering


Thus inspired, one should perform all of one's daily activities as an offering to the Lord. One should perform sacrifice, charity and penance exclusively for the Lord's satisfaction. Similarly, one should chant only those mantras which glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And all one's religious activities should be performed as an offering to the Lord. Whatever one finds pleasing or enjoyable he should immediately offer to the Supreme Lord, and even his wife, children, home and very life air he should offer at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.



Some of the similar word are found in the Gadh Mantra also such as Wife, Son, Home and Vital air.

Also the word Parasmai is found in 1st sthal Upaya i.e. Kayena Vacha.......

This shows that they both are related to each other.

Edited by - unnati on 25 July 2006 12:25:38

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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