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Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 09 October 2012 :  17:43:51
Who is the GURU for pushtimarg? Why we need GURU? let up all discuss this topic and share the views

raju somaiya
Entry Level Member

22 Posts
Posted - 10 October 2012 :  02:35:13
Jai Shree Krishana, No doubt Shree Vallabhacharyaji is the GURU for Pushtimarg. Actually every religion has accepted need of the GURU.GURU means who enlightens a common / non-qualitative JIV from ignorance and to make him/her capable to meet to "Thakorji". Jiv can meet to "Thakorji" with "grace of GURU" & "grace of GURU" can have by "GURU BHAKTI" Even one can not recite "Hari-Gun" without "Grace of GURU". that is why it is said so :" Guru bin gyan kaha se pau, dijo dan "Hari-Gun" Gau" Sh. Mahaprabhuji himself has stated characteristics of an "Ideal GURU" like :- should have complete and through knowledge of "Shrimad Bhagvat"and other Shastras. :- readiness in SEVA of Thakorji[Shri Krishana] :- should not have unnecessary outlook[Dambh..Aadamber] so now it is very clear that shri vallabhacharyaji is the GURU of pushtimarg and why we need GURU. I tried to reply as per my little knowledge. JSK again.

R.R. Somaiya.

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Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 19 October 2012 :  00:56:35
ShriMahaprabhu in Swakrut Tattvarth Deep Nibandh Sarvanirnay Kaarikas, gives beautiful orders for a GURU in Prakash Commentary. Aapshri orders that : for the upliftment of a Jeev, requires various Saadhanas. The very first Saadhana is GURU - the true preacher. Guru !! shows and enlightens the path of the Sanatan Scriptures which helps the jeev to move towards the UPLIFTMENT.

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154 Posts
Posted - 20 October 2012 :  10:24:19

Guror Brahma Guror Vishnu Guror Devo Maheshwara|

Guru: Sakshat Parbrahma Tasmai ShriGurave namah||

Shastra Aagya kare Che ke ShriGurudev Brahmaa Swaroop Che, ShriGurudev Vishnu Swaroop, ShriGurudev Mahesh Swaroop Che, ShriGurudev Saakshat Parbrahm Che, Aapne sahu ShriGurudevne Naman kariye....

Do we think, we should discuss further? Because almost negligible Replies............Pls share.....

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Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 28 October 2012 :  00:12:53

आचार्यवान पुरुषो वेद!!!!
अपनों शास्त्र आज्ञा करे है की : जो आचार्य के पास गयो होय वोही भगवद-ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सके है, अन्य नहीं प्राप्त कर सके है....ब्रह्म ज्ञान केवल गुरुगम्य होवे है. गुरुको माहात्म्य कई जगह कह्यो गयो है. वामन कल्पमें अपन्कू ऐसे वचन प्राप्त होवे है :
यों मंत्र: स गुरु: साक्षात यों गुरु: स हरि: स्मृत:|
गुरु: यस्य भवेत्तुष्टस्तस्य तुष्टो हरि: स्वयम ||
जो मंत्र है वोह साक्षात गुरु है और जो गुरु है वोह तो साक्षात श्रीहरि है. जो श्रीगुरु प्रसन्न होय तो यों समजनो श्रीहरि प्रसन्न भये....!!!!!!

कोई यु प्रश्न करे की गुरु साक्षात श्रीहरि कैसे भये? तहा हम श्रीप्रभुके वचन जो उद्धवजी के साथ श्रीभागवत एकादश स्कंधमेंसु प्राप्त होवे है.
आचार्य माम विजाम्यहम.......आचार्य है उनको मेरो ही स्वरुप जानियो......

શ્રીગુરુદેવને મારું (ભગવાનું) જ સ્વરૂપ જાણવું. ક્યારે પણ તેમનો તિરસ્કાર કરવો નહીં.સાધારણ મનુષ્ય સમજી શ્રીગુરુદેવમાં દોષદ્રષ્ટી કરવી નહીં.કારણકે શ્રીગુરુ સર્વદેવમય છે......

this prasang appears in Shrimad Bhagwat 11th Skandha, the dialogue between Lord ShriKrishna and with HIS cousin who is also the Bhakta - Uddhava. ShriKrishna narrates that :
Aachary...am Maam Vijaniyaan Navaanmanyeta Karhichit;
Na martya-buddhyasuyeta Sarva-deva-Mayo Gruha.

One should know that the Aacharya is my own Incarnation, Aacharya (Guru) as myself, ane never disrespect HIM in anyway. One should not envy HIM, do not consider the ordinary man in HIM, for He is the representative of all the demigods.

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Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 21 November 2012 :  11:38:04
We require a Sad-guru. Do we remember that what ShriMahaprabhu gives orders for Guru? Pls share the views....

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