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 Importance of Cow
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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 02 October 2004 :  15:49:27
(In line with the good article highlightig the Imortance of Cow) What are the instances that highlight cows importance in Krishna leelas and Pushtimarag ? (This not a question with specific answer, but more of infomation gathering for the benefit for all)

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai

Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  12:42:07
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Of all gifts, the cow is still considered the highest in rural India. The Puranas have it that there is no gift more sacred than the gift of cows. "There is no gift that produces more blessed merit." Lord Rama was given a dowry of thousands of cows and bullocks when he married Sita.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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Pushtikul Elite Member - August 2003

1221 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  12:45:07
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh, Cows are also thought to be cleansers and sanctifiers. The cow-dung is an efficacious disinfectant and often used as fuel in lieu of firewood. In the scriptures, we find the sage Vyasa saying that cows are the most efficacious cleansers of all.

Jai Jai ShriGokulesh Parivaar, Baroda

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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  12:45:34
Let me add another instance. Govardhan leela: When Indira realised his terrible mistake, he came running to Shree Thakorji and apologised for his misdeed, however, Shree Thakorji was not pleased, he also brought with him many gifts including the Airavat Elephant. But what pleased Shree thakorji most was when he was presneted with is Priya jeev in the form of Kamadhenu Gai (cow). It is said the moment Shree Thakorji saw the Cow, his entire anger vanished and he accepted the apologies of Indira. Edited by - shreekant22 on October 03 2004 13:16:25

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

201 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  18:49:46
Dear Shreekanbhai When browsing through an artcle on hinduism I came across this article and just pasting it. www.hinduism.co.za/cowsare Bhishma said: No sacrifice can be performed without the aid of curds and ghee (clarified butter). The very character of sacrifice which sacrifices have, depends upon ghee. Hence ghee (or, the cow from which it is produced) is regarded as the very root of sacrifice. Cows have been said to be the limbs of sacrifice. They represent sacrifice itself. Without them, there can be no sacrifice. With their milk and the Havi produced therefrom, they uphold all creatures by diverse acts. Cows are guileless in their behaviour. From them flow sacrifices and Havya and Kavya, and milk and curds and ghee. hence cows are sacred. There are many other valid points and I am waiting for some one to post the "33 crore dev/devis residing within the cow, Laxmiji in the cowdung" I am unable to recall the whole story - perhaps some one? to enlighten it more Vinod

Jai Shree Krishna Vinod Savjani Go to Top of Page
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  20:51:14
Jai Shri Krishna, Most important point is they are also very humble they eat only grass whcih grows in jungles or open grounds and is freely available. But they give healthy food of Milk in return. They are mostly givers and make others happy and live on grass. Similar to that of trees mostly givers without any expectations of returns.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
Pushtikul Elite Member - October 2003

219 Posts
Posted - 03 October 2004 :  21:44:01
Dear Vasantbhai, Jai Shree Krishna, Your article on Cows was a great eye opener for us who don't realise the importance of animals arounds us. Besides it was an unique piece of information. In an Hindi film "Pardesi Babu" Actor Govinda compared India to a cow and gave a wonderful expalnation. Thakorki was lucky to play flute and be surrounded by cows. Do give us more such informative articles Regds Jigna

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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 04 October 2004 :  14:35:15
Jai Shree Krishna Second episode highlighting the importance of cow. Shreeji Bawa, once asked Shree Mahaprabhuji for Cows. He told him that i like cows a lot so get me some cows (Moku Gayyan bahoot suhay, tako gayaan bhet karo - Mane Gai bauj priya che, teti mare mate Gai lai aao). Though Sadhu pande and others offered there own Gais, Shree Vallabh refused them and said, since Shree Thakorji had expressed the wish to him, he was duty bound to get them for him. Using a part of the few coins he had taken out of the manifold wealths offered to him by the king Krishnadevaraya during the Kanakabhishek, Shree Acharyacharan purchased a few cows and had a Gaushala opened. The place was then known as Gopalpur, and is today famous by the name Jatipura.

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 12 October 2004 :  01:31:37
Jai Shri Krishna, Please give real importance to the Cows. Here is the vachnamrut # 33 by Shri Girdharlalji in short. There was once a miser who did not feel like spending on whatsoever. Including could not keep his family happy nor he fulfilled any of their wishes. He was a sinner. Once a Brahmin asked him to atleast do one nice deed in His lifetime so atleast do gaw (Cow) dhan. The miser immediately responded that if he can get one for Rs 2 only he will do it. In the neighbourhood their was an very old cow so the brahmin sold him same. Since the cow was very weak and very very old and could not even walk it died in 2 hours after sanklap was made. After few years even the miser died as one must go one day so when Yamduts picked him up and decided to put him to hell as he had did no good deeds thru out his life but since he did Gaw (cow) dhan (that sacrifice) even for 2 hrs they said he should get good time for those 2 hrs also so they asked him if he wants to got to hell or enjoy for 2 hrs first. The miser said he wants to enjoy for 2 hrs before being send to hell. So the cow was called and she asked the miser what you want He immediately told her to take him to heaven as he could not stand the suffering. So the cow took him to Heavens gate and her 2 hrs were over so she just left him outside and left. At that time God was returning with His friends after his play so His friends told Him this fellow here is a sinner he should be in Hell. The miser immediately got up and requested just the darshan of God before he is sent back to Hell so they all agreed. When God gave him darshan he reminded God that who ever took his name God always showed his mercy on them including Ajamil and others so I have done your darshan please spare some mercy on me. Also he repeated that when he was on earth he had heard that if you visit heaven you should be fearless as he does not have to leave. So please do not remove me. I know I was a sinner but please forgive me please have mercy on me. So God being most kindfull told his friends that he should be allowed to enter the heaven. Moral of the story though it was an old cow and lived for only 2 hours the Gaw (Cow) dhan is the best dhan ever to be made while one is still living. The benefits as we saw were unbeliavable. So if we do buy the best Cow decorate it nicely and donate we can imagine the benefits of Gaw Dhan. My humble request to all vaishnavs is to please treat the cows very nicely.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
Mover & Shaker Member

398 Posts
Posted - 12 October 2004 :  01:57:17
Jai Shree Krishna Well we cannot forget the prasang of Bahula gai and the Lion, and when Bahula left Bhutal the Viallagers made a statue and did its puja and then we are told in sweet manner how a Malech Vajir made a rule that no-one should worship a statue or any murti. Again Shree Vallabh showed that the statue is not a statue and made Bahula cow's statue eat grass in front of that malech. Then we should also remember the Surbhi Vaach, this was a cow named Surbhi and was very priya gaya of Krishna and according to Legend Lord Krishna learned how to walk by holding Surbhi cow's tail. Daso no das Pushtidas

Dasa no das Pushtidas Go to Top of Page
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 12 October 2004 :  03:20:05
Jai Shri Krishna, This also reminds me of another prasang of Shri Kumbhandas's son who gave his life up but saved the cow.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
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