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PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 :  10:20:58
Jai Shree Krishna Reciting of Shrimad Bhagwatji cannot be an occupation, if by occupation what one means is making a living out of it. Also to go and listen to Shrimad Bhagwadji, and then to offer bhet, because you listened to it is the same trading and hence is not acceptable. My question is, why is it that there has to be this give and take policy abopted in anything pertaining to once religion at all. In Pushitmarag, seva is done without any nishkaam bhavna, Satsang is done without any nishkaam bhavna, in anything and everything there is no question of any give and take, whne it is not there with Shree thakorji itself, then were is the question of it being in Bhagwad smaran. Shree Mahaprabhuji has also said that it is sinful to read Shrimad Bhagwatji with ulterior motives or fro personal benifits, true bhagwad gyan is possible only when one reads it or does smaran of Shrimad bhagwatji with nishkaam bhavna. Somewere down the line there seems to be this thinking that we do not offer money either for teh programme or to the vakta, for listening to Shreemad bhagwatji, but for his welfare, in such a case why not give it as daan, rather than trade it for performing aarthi on this day for performing this manorath etc. or to gicve as bhet during the saptha. Why. If daan is what is in our mind, then it can be done without any strings attached adn only then it is daan. And the greatest of all daans is gupt daan, were the identity of the daani is not known. We all agree that Shreemad bhagwatji is the swaroop of Shree Thakorji, and its smaran is as good as doing seva, then how can we trade our seva???. Is it ok if we see some poor soul in our nighbourhood, we want to help him, so we get him brahmsamband, and let him do seva, and we watch him do it?

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 :  11:16:17
Jai Shri Krishna, Let me explain some more here. Brahmins have a right to say Shrimad Bhagwad and take bhet/dhan for their livelyhood as per rules discussed before. But Goswami Balaks cannot make their livelyhood from the same and also the Asta sakha were asked not to do so for various reasons and mostly same as explained by other vaishnavs on this site. If you remember the varta of Nandadas there Shri Gusainji had asked him to put everything into Shri Yamunaji as he was hurting brahmins livlyhood. He was only allowed to keep a part of it. So please do not get confused when we say Brahmins and we mention our Goswami Balaks they are both different.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 :  11:23:34
Jai Shree Krishna Vasantbhai, pdamanbhdasji was brahmin, right then why did Shree Mahaprabhuji tell him...."Padmanabh, if you do this, how will you make any money ? This is your livelihood ! True, you should not recite the Bhagvatam to make money, but you are allowed, by laws of the scriptures, to make money by reciting Itihaas (ancient histories) such as MahaBharata."

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Vasant Punjabi
Vice-President & Pushtikul Elite Member - May 2003

1047 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 :  11:30:53
Jai Shri Krishna, Shreekantbhai there are two types of brahmins hope you know that some who have taken brahmasamband and mostly without. The ones who have taken it will definitely for fear of Shri Mahaprabhuji's advice will not do same for livlyhood what we are discussing are those many who have not taken brahmasamband.

Vasant Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

201 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2004 :  21:49:36
Dear All Jai Shree Krishna Following is now understanding from the recent postings. A reciter, accepting daan/bhet etc in form of Laxmi (Money) can utilise it for his personal welfare. The very same Laxmi (Money), if utilised to manipulate then becomes an offence? At the same time, I see a posting implicating that only Mahabharat or the Ithiass can be recited if exchnage of daan/bhet or Laxmi is to take place. In the same, it suggests that "One should not make money by selling the Lord's name. Lord's name should only be taken to gain His love." Very True, but when one is in Nathdwara, should we all be getting the paintings of GODS free of charge? As Vasantbhai suggests, Goswamis Balaks will not accept anything in return for reciting the same, but then they would be receiving the "CHARAN BHET", any way. It also suggests that Brahmins with brahmsambandh will also fear to accept anything in return. Supposing we all do what is suggested by Goplaji, How does this affect the very Vaishnav who has initiated the Saptah or orgainsed recitement of Shreemad Bhagwat via Vidvan,Brahmin? Vinod

Jai Shree Krishna Vinod Savjani Go to Top of Page
PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 :  13:57:35
Jai Shree Krishna
Jai Shri Krishna, Shreekantbhai there are two types of brahmins hope you know that some who have taken brahmasamband and mostly without. The ones who have taken it will definitely for fear of Shri Mahaprabhuji's advice will not do same for livlyhood what we are discussing are those many who have not taken brahmasamband.
I read the vartha once again and many times over, however, i do not infer that Mahaprabhujis guidelines were only to the brahmins with brahmasamband. I humbly submit my following understanding.. Shree Mahaprabhuji refers to the scriptures in general, which any way did not provide separate guidelines as they did not distinguish brahmins inot two types, for the simple reason that they were existance even before the practice of brahmasamband. Hence Shree Vallabhs vani was for all the brahmins, with or without brahmsamand. Also as mentioned by you, the brahmasamanbi brahmin will not do saptah out of regard(fear) of Shree Vallabh, which means that others who do the same superceeding Shree Acharyas vani are definetly commiting a apradh. Any why should a vaishnav be part of such an apradh ?

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

201 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 :  16:37:12
Dear Gopalji Jai Shree Krishna Having read your article, could you please go to the posting "Relics Of Shree Mahaprabhuji" Perhaps you explain it better? Your posting does not make anything clear, What of the Vaishnav who initaited the Saptah? Why Should Brahim/Vidvan, recite for Free of Charge? Like I mentioned, We do all what you said in your posting, What then? Vinod

Jai Shree Krishna Vinod Savjani Go to Top of Page
PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 :  17:08:48
Jai Shree Krishna Viond bhai, though the question has been asked to Gopal bhai, i only though i may present my view point, or should i say clarification. And i humbly submit so... Having gone through all the mails and after repeatedly reading the vartha prasang mentioned here, this are my answers: 1. As Vaishnavs, we should and ought to provide all the infrastructure required for such an event, as vaishnavs will gatehr at such a place, however, to do it for personal gains, including name in teh list of donors etc should be avoided. 2. Any Brahmin or Vidwan reciting for money is not doing justice to Shreemand bhagwatjis swaroopa on the contrary he is only doing ulahangan of Shree vallabhs vani. Why be party to such an act. A standing example of this is in the very fact that we have been to many bhagwats, but how much of the vakthas message do we incorporate in ourselves. (This according to me is Shree Thakorjis maya, he allows us to enjoy it like a movie we pay for but drains it all out as we leave the place, for the utensil patra in which we collect the information has got cheds, holes of our deviation form Shree Valabhs vani, the more the holes the faster the draining) 3. Then as vaishnavs, we like we do our seva should do smaran of Shreemad Bhagwatji in ekanth, understand the goood bhavs and incorpaorate it in us. And With hari itcha, if we get to here the same through Gobalaks vani, accept it as Shree Thakroji has decided to do krupa on us.

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

201 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 :  17:22:42
Dear All Jai Shree Krishna Having studied all the postings, I have now reached my own conclusion, although this is not a confirmation at all but expressing my own thoughts & my understandings. "Many times We find examples where a Bhakta has NOT followed the rule because of state of love. The state of Grace always supercedes any condition of law. When there is pure devotion, nothing can be wrong,but until the divine condition arises, the teaching of the Guru are followed, as We all know how Shree Krishna appears for the benefit of His Bhaktas. Trust this messages is clear. Vinod

Jai Shree Krishna Vinod Savjani Go to Top of Page
PRO - Pushtikul.com / P.E.M. January 2004

1853 Posts
Posted - 23 October 2004 :  17:28:28
Jai Shree Krishna That is the hall mark of Pushtibhakti, One of the elements of this Pure bhakthi or devotion is nishkaam bhavna, and if this exists and if Shree Thakorji does krupa, then nothing matters.

Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai Go to Top of Page
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