Posted - 16 October 2004 : 10:06:07
Jai Jai ShriGokulesh,
(The Preceptor)
He who initiates the inquisitive disciple and imparts the knowledge of the doctrines of the Sampradaya is called the Guru. Without the Guru it is not possible either to have entrance into any Dharma-Sampradaya or to acquire the true knowledge of Dharma-Sampradaya. Hence, the Guru has got a very important place in Sampradaya. Says Shri Gusainji:
One who by using collyrium-stick of knowledge
In the eyes blinded by darkness of ignorance;
Opens and enlightens our eyes
To that revered Guru we bow down.
Meaning: We prostrate respectfully before the Guru who, by using the stick of collyrium of knowledge, opens and enlightens our eyes that have become blind by the darkness of ignorance.