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24 Posts
Posted - 19 November 2012 : 02:56:41
Dear Vaishnavas,
How do I cope with people I have to associate with especially through work and aquaintennances that you have to mix with, who then take the mickey out of my beliefs especially not drinking alcohol and not eating garlic and onions as a true vaishnav.
Please help me my fellow bhaktas. It fills my heart with sorrow when i explain that i do not eat these items because of my belief and they muscaree me.
If you work with them and have to eat next to them etc. You cannot ignore them and they goad you with nasteek beliefs.
President -
422 Posts
Posted - 21 November 2012 : 07:25:38
Jai Shri Krishna,
I have learnt from Shikshapatra that it is better not to explain anything to anyone. As explaining our faith and Pushtimarg to a non-vaishnav is like Dussang (Bad Company) and a Vaishnav must only do Satsang with someone who is a Vaishnav.
Do not worry about the odds. Leave them alone. I know it is tough, but Thakorji is your refuge. Even if they are laughing at you, always remember... we are small Pushti Jeevs born to do Thakorji's seva. We have no greatness or power. Thakorji is everything and he will turn the minds of people who make fun of you. If not, then He is himself willing to test your faith in him. Sooner or later, you will achieve his Kripa.
Jai Shri Krishna
Shri Vallabhadhish ki Jai !!
Anand A. Majethia
Posted - 21 November 2012 : 11:30:18
Pushtimarg is Ekaki marg, the path of oneness....not the path of groupism. Our Poorvacharyas has very strongly defined pushtimarg to be followed by one own. Just for the proofs, when we refer the Vaarta Prasangs, we find that if husband-wife both had came to Shrimahaprabhu, ShriGusaiji and did vinanti for the Initiation, Aacharya has sometimes blessed both with both Naam and nivedan, or Aacharya only gave initiation to one of the approacher, or sometimes one given both Naam and Nivedan whereas other given only Naam, giving orders that Yaako itno hi adhikaar hai.
Pushtimarg is a path of grace, the grace of ShriMahaprabhu. We find in the commentaries by mahanubhaav Aacharyas on the main Documents of ShriMahaprabhu, it is well ordered that If any of the devotee approaching in this path of grace needed to make his/her's own Devotional Bij-seed strong, he/she must be initiated as per the rules of ShriMahaprabhu, and after taking initiation with ShriMahaprabhu's grace only he/she must do bhajan and slowly and gradually following such practice, the Bij will be strong....for that it required the UTkat Bhajan of ShriPrabhu without any of the fame, or needs....Only one need, to go towards ShriPrabhu....
Posted - 21 November 2012 : 11:33:32
Moreover from our Poorvacharya's Sarvada Sevya Chaturth ShriVitthalrajkumar ShriGokulnath Prabhucharan in swa-explained 24 Vachnamruts, gives orders that One must do Satsang only with Sujati vaishnavs.
Further Aapshri also gives orders that do not show your hidden bhaav in front of any of the Vidharmi, who has no faith for Pushtimarg. Keep your bhaava Gupta-hidden.
So if the present lifestyle is to meet many of the persons, who are not vaishnavas, dont show your religious attitude, bhaav for the same to others. Keep it personal. It is not necessary to explain or show our Bhaava to any of the vidharmis..........
Please guide me, if i had mistaken or mispelled any thing, which is misleading to the topic.
raju somaiya
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22 Posts
Posted - 23 November 2012 : 00:55:43
Jai Jai Shri Gokulesh, Vrajeshbhai,
I suggest u kindly read VARTA NO.147 if the granth 252 Varta of Shri Gusaiji's sevakas avialable with u. If not try to avail and read it.I hope u will find solution for you.
I just conclude you that in this varta, a son of pathan of Delhi becomes sevak of sh.gusaiji. His father complains to emperor about his son that he became HINDU and accepted vaishnav religion.The emperor of Delhi called on his son and tried to make him understood to leave the vaishnav religion otherwise threatened to kill him with sword. The son of pathan gave his own sword to the emperor and refused to leave the vaishnav religion. Looking to his firmness towards religion the emperor graced upon him and even gave him reward.
The conclusion of the varta is " the vaishnav should not afraid to follow his religion.While doing this Thakurji will certainly help us"
Moreover, the answer of admn. and govindbhai is also very rightous.
At last, gold is being tested everywhere not stones.
Hope you will feel good now.....!
R.R. Somaiya.
Entry Level Member
24 Posts
Posted - 24 November 2012 : 02:45:02
Jai Shree Krishna my fellow Vaishnavas,
To read your words of enlightenment gladdens my heart. It is indeed difficult to keep firm faith with virdharmi around you in the work place and around you sometimes and often when away from true vaishnavas like family and true bhaktas like yourselves. It is true i am only a small jeev but blessed with the knowledge that Shri Vallabh Mahaprabhuji, Shree Nathji and Shri Jamuna Maharani Ma are my saviours and refuge and i shall continue to have firm faith in my seva for Thakorji.
Thank you Anandjibhai,Govindshahbhai and Rajubhai. I shall seek out Varta 147 and Shikshapatra once again.
Jai Shree Krishna mara valla Vaishnavas
Shree Govardhan nathji ki jai !
Posted - 27 December 2012 : 01:15:53
I would like to add one more thing that One should always be in touch of our Dikshadata ShriGurudev, who initiated us in this path of Pushti.....and should always try to take guidence for many from one's own ShriGurudwar.....then only ShriMahaprabhu, Ubhay Prabhucharan and Mool Purush along with ShriYamunaji and ShriPrabhu will bless..................................