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24 Posts
Posted - 02 September 2012 :  15:46:17

Jai Shree Krishna

As a long standing pushmarg vaishnav i am often vexed by the questions posed by outsiders and non believers.

They say if there is a God why is there so much suffering ? why doesnt God stop it?

They say if there is a God why are there bad people out there? Why does he not stop them?

I have seen miracles in my life that prove the existence of our God Shree Nathji so i dont need convincing what answers can i i give these non believers.

They are non believers and atheists so unlikely to be convinced. But perhaps the answers my dear vaishanva s can provide can help me understand why this is in fact the case.

Please forgive me for posing these questions.




Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 02 September 2012 :  16:36:54

Recently a famous Bollywood filmstar nicked name KAKA (Rajesh Khanna) expired. He had done many hindi films. From one of his classics ANAND film, there was a famous dialogue :

Babo moshay! yeh duniya ek rangmanch ki kathputali hai, jiski dor uparvale ke hath mein hai.......

   If we try to understand this Dialogue, then the most facts of the above question lies only here. As our ShriMahaprabhu had said in Shodash Granth's VIVEK DHAIRYAASHRAY granth that what is Vivek :

Harisarvam nijechat karishyati...Whatever happens is due to the wish of ShriHari-Lord.

for Dhairya : ShriMahaprabhu gives orders that Tridukhsahanam Dhairya ..... accept all the pains is Dhairya.

When we understand this concept then we easily get the answer of all the above raised question by Vrajeshbhai.

ShriMahaprabhuji in HIS self created Tattvarth Deep Nibandh granth the Shastrarth Prakaran as the first Book. The very first Slok's 2nd part ShriMahaprabhu gives orders that :

Rup Naam Vibheden Jagat Kridati Yo yatat....

very precisly we understand by this verse that ShriPrabhu only does krida in this world with different names and forms....So why to get pains.

Also our Shastras, Shrutis says that when ShriPRabhu was alone in this whole of the Mandal, at that time, with HIS own wish he thought to become numerous from one. EKOHAM BAHUSYAM....He was alone and became of many forms.........why, for his own krida................

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154 Posts
Posted - 02 September 2012 :  16:49:27

ShriMahaprabhu's Shastrarth Prakaran Nibandh Granth, the 16th Slok :



means: (with tika) if krishna seva is the best option in this world, then why all man don't do krishnaseva? for it's answer in sharstrarthprakaran of nibandh, by ShriAacharyaji gives aagyna that the word "Budhavatare" is written. In ShriGitaji, two types of jeevs are described. 1. daivi 2. aasuri (daitya). When aasuri (daitya jeevs started living or believing in krishna the shreshthmarg (worship to krishna) then to divert them from shreshta marg Bhagvan took avtar of Budha and the mul of Dharam is ved was ordered to make fun of itself and also god gave aagyna that criticise purana and attract daityas back to the bad marg. Then the Devtas to follow the orders of almighty, took birth in rishikul and started the prachar by creating mayavaad, nyay, sankhya, charvak, etc. the wrong mohak shastras made. In these shastras such wrong things were written that our mind gets diverted from Bhakti ||16||

So whatever is happening in this world is due to the wish of ShriPrabhu...Even the Naastik Dharmas are also due to the wish of ShriPrabhu... 

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Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 03 September 2012 :  01:10:50


Thank you Govindshahbhai for taking the time to answer my questions.

So Naastik Dharmas are God's will and their criticism of dharmic individuals are God's will too?

Do we ignore them and do not to even try to explain the existence of God ? Explaining to them is a fruitless exercise. their minds are often made up and will often criticise you from believing and will try to dissuade you from believing as well.

Shri Mahaprabhuji defeated many opposition views and uplifted many souls but only those that belonged to him.

My hindi and gujararti wriiten and reading is very poor so i have gained much from family and matushri and my English reading of Shyamda' s literature. Any there any English versions of Shastrarth Prakaran Nibandh Granth and Shodash Granth.

My humblest JSK


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154 Posts
Posted - 03 September 2012 :  14:04:06
Vrajeshbhai, there is no need to worry if you lack to read Gujarati or Hindi. One of a scholar of our sampraday name Prof. Jethalal Shah. He has written this granth in English. Hope that granth is uploaded at www.pushtisahitya.org hopefully you find in English.

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Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 04 September 2012 :  03:17:50


Thank you for the link and helping me with my questions. it makes understanding our religion a little easier.

Jai Shree Krishna

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154 Posts
Posted - 11 September 2012 :  13:28:12
A great historic entity Chanakya, is very famous for his political views. We call it is Chanakya niti. He said MAUNAM SARVARTH SAADHAKAM. Sometimes it becomes difficult to reply all queries to offenders or opposer. One must try to reply if he/she is thorough the questions reply. Or else maintain silence means be quiet. Quit oneself from discussion. Shrimahaprabhu gives us orders that keep yourself safe from Asadalaap, which will lead to Bahirmukhta.

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Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 12 September 2012 :  01:49:02


This is so true. Thank you Govindshahbhai.

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