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 Pusthimargia books in English
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Entry Level Member

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Posted - 05 November 2010 :  15:37:47



I have taken Brahmsambhand when I was 8 years old, but only came to realise the importance of this a year ago- I am know 18!. I am now more interested in Pusthimarg and vedic values in general.


I have been reading the Bhagwat Gita As It Is edition by Praphupada of the Hare Krishans, but I am finding that the explanations are very much geared towards 'going back to godhead' and saying the hare krishna mantra. In effect I feel I will be converted if I finish reading the book!


So is there any Bhagwat Gita edition which is written by pushtimarg goswami in English as I don't know how to read in hindi or Gujarati


Please reply


Jai Shree Krishna

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239 Posts
Posted - 08 November 2010 :  08:49:09

Jai Shri Krishna Nikesh Bhai,

I am sure there one engligh Bhagwat GIta, by Jejeshri from Surat, cannot remember the books name.

But in regards to general enquiry pushtimarg books in English, there are many available these days


is the best place to start, ideally 84 Vaishnav Stories (Chaurasi Vaishnav Varta) or 252 Vaishnav Stories are the best place to start reading.

these books are always in demand and sometimes sold out, you can purchase other books from that website or even get them from other online bookstore sometimes.

other than that, really a basic google search on pushtimarg, will give you so much relevant information/websites/forum as well, that might interest you.


Jai Shri Krishna

Jai Shree Krishna Go to Top of Page
Senior Member

154 Posts
Posted - 12 November 2010 :  16:18:20

Many granths can also be found from the following links in english, hindi, gujarati, brajbhasha




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Entry Level Member

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Posted - 14 November 2010 :  18:06:07

Thank you manish bhai and govind bhai for replying.

I have purchased all 3 parts of the 252 vaishnav stories online, but I was just wondering if the 84 vaishnav vaarta is diffferent or part of the 252 vaishnav vaarta.

I'm also thinking of buying the Subhodhini but it is very expensive as there are 25 volumes! do you know if an online version is available?

Jai Shree Krishna

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Posted - 22 November 2010 :  20:38:42
Jai shri Krushna Nikeshji, even I m a begineer. Well, 84 vaishnavas stories are those who were given bramhasambandh by shri Vallabh and 252 vaishnavas are those who were bramhasambandh by Shri Gusaiji (son of shri vallabh). Speciality of pushtimarg is that prabhu lets a jeev(soul) experience lila in this world so jeev does not have to wait to reach godhead. This all possible by shri vallabhs grace. I would suggest u to read Shodash Granth.Trust me its really helpful for begineers

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Posted - 22 November 2010 :  20:54:00
Sorry forgot to post previously, I didnt mean stop reading 84 n 252 vaishnavas stories and concentrate on Shodash granths. These stories will help u a lot n are best to start learning about pushtimarg. Both are equally imp. BOTH WILL HELP TO INCREASE FAITH AND GRANTHS WILL SHOW RIGHT PATH

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Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 06 January 2011 :  22:42:47
Jai Shri Krishna,

Nikeshji - it is nice to know that your interest in the marg has grown.

the following is as per my limited understanding and would welcome any further corrections/clarifications

-- Regarding the books:

as mentioned above, the best ones to get started are the sodash granths (16 works), the 84/252 vaishnavs, along with many of the nice translations available in english by shyamdasji and others

-- this would ideally be compared to the primary, secondary, and higher college and foundation level education... it is important to study them with their Tikas (commentaries)  thoroughly and grasp these first and foremost.

Shri Subodhiniji, Shrimad Bhagwatam, and other granths such as Anubhashya, etc are more like university level Bachleor's , Masters. PHd, etc - though they can be read/studied along with the above, they would be much easier to understand if the foundation level was achieved.

Please don't feel bad by the following comments but please try to undersand our place as vaishnavs

Your comment about reading the ISKCON version bhagvat gita and becoming converted is a little out of place because when it comes to literal translation and transliterations their versions are really good (especially the older prints) - i will agree tha the purports can be a little biased at most times but the bias is towards bhakti and the shastras and towards their own path - we can always use the filter of our discretion and choose to keep the good bits and discuss the content of our readings in appropriate satsangs and with people - in general terms we can call this swadhyay or abhyas (serious study - not just reading for the sake of reading)

1) you can simply read the translations and not the purports - because the translations are literal

2) if we recognise and appreciate that Hare Krishna (ISKCON) movement is also a Bhakti movement and they are also vaishnavs and also follow the same God, we should have respect for them - although our firm conviction would be in our marg, as they have in theirs - so we would be their contemporaries and friends as were Shri Vallabhacharya Mahaprabhu and Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu - so in reality there is no room for conversion.. and there is no harm in studying each other's texts, and having discussions etc.... it actually also helps us to understand each other's paths better... as long as the study and discussions are kept to divine (alokik) subject matter and not materialistic (lokik) it is all good....

3) also any place they mention chant the Hare Krishna mantra, we can always chant and remember our Shri Krishna Sharanam mantra - as Shri Vallabh instructs us to keep remembering this mantra constantly.

Best Wishes
Jagdish Edited by - jagdish on 06 January 2011 22:43:19

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Entry Level Member

18 Posts
Posted - 25 January 2011 :  17:12:36
Jai Shree Krishna Jagdish Bhai,

Yes I agree that ISKCON books are very good for developing a good knowledge of who Krishna is and how to do bhakti- especially if your a begginer!
As I go to university in the UK I also go to the Krishna Conciousness Societies run by ISKCON devotees which help me to remember Krishna more and increase the drive to find out more about my own pushtimarg sect. It also allows me meet people interested in doing bhakti that are around my age. Unfortunately In the UK I haven't met a single person that is my age and seriously interested in learning more about Pushtimarg!

Last week when I went to the society I aksed them if they are allowed to eat tomatoes and watermelon. The ISKCON devotee replied why not? I said that because tomatoes are in the mode of passion (rajasic) so cannot be eaten. She replied that she had no knowlege of this.

Why is it that despite praying to the same god (Krishna) we don't offer carrots, tomatoes, watermelon and etc when they only prohibit onions and garlic?

I am asking this becuase when I become older I want to offer all the food I make to Krishna- at the moment my family even eat garlic and onions and only a small offering is made to Shrinathji. But when I am older I want to offer all food I make t Shrinathji so that is why I am asking!

In ISKCON some people also pray to Shrinathji just like some pray to Jaganatha and Radha Kunjbihari. So I am guessing they serve food with carrots and tomatoes. Why is it different when there is only one Krishna?

Edited by - nikesh19 on 02 February 2011 13:56:36

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Entry Level Member

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Posted - 26 January 2011 :  13:38:37
jsk...u asked who makes rules in pushtimarg? Thakurji or shri vallabh?Well, It does not make any difference whether thakurji has made rules or shri Vallabh, bcoz there is no difference between them... (refer 3rd name of shri sarvottam stotra)...Aapshri is 1)thakurji swaroop 2) swaminiji (radhaji) swaroop 3)agni swaroop. i.e. tritayatmak (3 swaroops). Thakurji himself has manifisted in form of shri vallabh to show jeev the correct n best way to reachthakurji Edited by - Kruti on 02 February 2011 16:32:40

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Entry Level Member

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Posted - 26 January 2011 :  15:01:38
jsk... sorry but couldnt help to add more... Shri Mahaprabhuji is thakurji's mukharvind swaroop, which means aap is thakurji's face.... Shri Vallabh's mukharvind is same as of thakurji's... so when any jeev looks at shri vallabh, immediately remembers thakurji... whom one has forgotten since births n births... In 'siddhant rahasya granth' aapshri has revealed the secret how thakurji appears before him and..... well its one of the shodash granths

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Entry Level Member

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Posted - 02 February 2011 :  16:13:35
jsk...this is to my limited understanding...i think in yr editing u asked"why there r 2 different swaroops when there is only 1 krishna?or r u asking the differentiation in margs? i guess in terms of swaroop, so.... thakurji had taken avtar in dwapar yug, n did uddhar of jeevs swarooptaya. But what in kalyug? How jeev can get bhakti in such dangerous kaliyug.So, our thakurji got daya on pushti jeevs n again appeared as acharyaji.hence,though there is no difference between them,there r 2 swaroop differetly. Edited by - Kruti on 03 February 2011 11:50:25

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