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Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 19 June 2009 :  18:23:12
|| Sarvam Krishna Arpanam ||

Jai Shri Krishna,

I was reading something about the Vamana Avattar and came to know the that Lord expanded himself to occupy everything in the world. Is this the same swaroop that was shown to Shri Arjun?

Entry Level Member

19 Posts
Posted - 20 June 2009 :  15:48:10

Jai shri krishna to all vaishnavs !!

Jai shri krishna Prakash bhai,The swaroop which was shown to Shri Arjun was VIRAAT SWAROOP of Shri

Hari, and in Vaman Avttar the swaroop was expanded from baal avastha (child) to huge roop of same

baal avastha .(same swaroop of child became huge itself in same swaroop only,no changes in roop,

Jai shri Krishna.

only  enlarged.)

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Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 20 June 2009 :  17:05:07
||  Sarvam Krishna Arpanam ||

Jai Shri Krishna !!

Thanks for the reply. even I was thinking so but I was a bit confused after reading the following

"The unlimited God, who had assumed the form of Vamana, then began increasing in size, acting in terms of the material energy, until everything in the universe was within His body, including the earth, the planetary systems, the sky, the directions, the various holes in the universe, the seas, the oceans, the birds, beasts, human beings, the gods and the great saintly persons. Bali Maharaja, along with all the priests, acaryas and members of the assembly, observed the Supreme Person's universal body, which was full of six opulences. That body contained everything within the universe, including all the gross material elements, the senses, the sense objects, the mind, intelligence and false ego, the various kinds of living entities, and the actions and reactions of the three modes of material nature. O King, when all the demons, the followers of Maharaja Bali, saw the universal form of the Supreme Person, who held everything within His body, when they saw in the Lord's hand His disc, known as the Sudarsana cakra, which generates intolerable heat, and when they heard the tumultuous sound of His bow, all of these caused lamentation within their hearts. The Lord's conchshell, named Pancajanya, which made sounds like that of a cloud; the very forceful club named Kaumodaki; the sword named Vidyadhara, with a shield decorated with hundreds of moonlike spots; and also Aksayasayaka, the best of quivers--all of these appeared together to offer prayers to the Lord. These associates, headed by Sunanda and other chief associates and accompanied by all the predominating deities of the various planets, offered prayers to the Lord, who wore a brilliant helmet, bracelets, and glittering earrings that resembled fish. On the Lord's bosom were the lock of hair called Srivatsa and the transcendental jewel named Kaustubha. He wore a yellow garment, covered by a belt, and He was decorated by a flower garland, surrounded by bees. Manifesting Himself in this way, O King, the Supreme Person, whose activities are wonderful, covered the entire surface of the earth with one footstep, the sky with His body, and all directions with His arms. As the Lord took His second step, He covered the heavenly planets. And not even a spot remained for the third step, for the Lord's foot extended higher and higher, beyond Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and even Satyaloka."

You can read the complete beautiful writeup at


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