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Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 18 June 2009 :  02:41:34
|| Sarvam Krishna Arpanam ||

Jai Shri Krishna !!

Couple of my relatives who claim to rigorously follow the Pushti Marg refrain from eating in some peoples house including marriage feasts? They also refrain from touching anyone (before they complete the morning pooja) who has not had their morning bath

I have never gathered the courage to ask them the logic behind the reason. Can someone please expliant me the purpose of such rigorous norms?

Strangely, I have some relatives who I would say are equally devoted to the service of Lord Krishna. They criticise such rigorous behavior by my mother relatives who seem to follow the Pushti Marg to the core. They often quote "vaishnav jan to tene kahiye"  to enforce their view.

I know all this does not matter (atleast to me) and whats important is the surrender to Lord Krishna. However, I would like to understand the arguments behind such acts of refraining in touching and eating.

Senior Member

224 Posts
Posted - 18 June 2009 :  12:33:13

Jai Jai Shri Gokulesh,   


Prakashji, I really agree with the view of “surrendering to lord Krishna ” but before taking the discussion further I would like to make u aware about the two important terms used in pustimarg. i.e; Samarpan and Apras.   


Samarpan :    


When Shri Mahaprabhuji came to this world to give salvation to those soul that Shri Thakoreji found, those souls are impure and not worthy of association to Shri Thakoreji who is pure in every sense. Shri Mahaprabhuji did not want to pollute the realm of Shri Thakoreji with this impure soul. So at midnight Shri Thakoreji appeared and gave a Bhramasambandh Mantra that which is spoken by the soul and such a soul offer everything that he considers as his own to Shri Thakoreji.  


In Pushti bhakti the devotee has full faith in Shri Thakoreji. When he takes the oath of 'Brahma-sambandh' at that moment the jeeva surrenders everything i.e. Deh, 10 Indriya, Pran, Antakaran, Wife, Son, House, family, Wealth and Aatma etc, so that soul can get the aspect of Anand(Bliss) by serving to Shri Thakoreji. As the aspect of Anand (sat chit anand) is moreover conceived with Purnapurshottam (Shri Thakoreji) and is partially present in jeeva. And to get that aspect of anand there is a necessity to get connected with Shri Thakoreji.  


Through 'Brahma-sambandh' he surrenders himself completely to God. Now he has no ownership over anything including himself. This kind of surrender is possible only in Pushtimarga. After this, the devotee treats himself as a servant to the Lord. Whatever is available to him for continuing with his life, by the grace of God is acceptable to him.  


This 'samarpan' is not out of compulsion but it is out of love for Him. When you love somebody, you love him unconditionally. There are no conditions attached to pure love. The same theory applies for Pushti bhakti also. The devotee's life here revolves around Shri Krishna alone. All his functions are for the sake of Him. That is 'Samarpan'. 


If u see other sampraday they says that if you want "Dharma Marg" you have to be Sanyasi. But in "Pushti Marg" Shri Mahaprabhuji and Shri Thakoreji said this should not be the case. Even initially Shri Mahaprabhuji was against accepting Gruhasthashram but at that time when he was in Pandharpur there Shri Vitthobaji gave darshan to Aapshri and told him to accept the gruhasthashram. Now its compulsary to accept gruhasthashram and be in samsar. If one is involved in laukik things he no longer stay in touch with alaukik Prabhu. So in Gadhya mantra itself Shri Thakoreji said to follow the rules of sansar. But that is just for sake of following it....and that tooooooo for me only i.e. "shri gopijan vallabh prityarthm" so what ever you do after taking brahmasambandh that should be for the prabhu....to the prabhu... so why not to dedicate every laukik things related to us.

Also we can say, what ever a soul has he has to dedicate it to Shri Thakoreji. The way through which he dedicates is Nivedan- To show it to Shri Thakoreji see this is mine then come, Samarpan - This is mine so dedicating it to you for your comforts and then comes, Viniyog- That is to take back, but for Shri Thakoreji's benifit. Thus we dedicate everything which is ours to Shri Thakoreji. When we offer something to Shri Thakoreji we need to give full custody. For eg; This is the letter in which i have made my well furnished flat on your name but what if i am not giving u the keys?? It has no meaning. 




In simple terms it would mean “A Sparsh” meaning not to touch or to be more simplified, not to touch anyone who is not in Apras. Once a vaishnav has a bath, he is not to touch another person may it be a vaishnav also who has not had a bath. This is in order to prevent the opposite person's impure vibrations to enter one's body and mind. 

After bathing in apras (its necessary to be sure that your body is completely soaked with water) and drying your self, wear the new clothes, adorn the kum-kum i.e. tilak, take a pinch of Charanamrut, wash your hands and then only you are ready to go into Seva. 

Now since in any marriage one haven’t went through the procedure of Apras nor its his possession on the food made/served there and due to which its not been offered to Shri Thakoreji as stated in pustimarg. Thus there are many vaishnavs who live samarpit life as stated by Shri Mahaprabhuji with their own wish n that’s the reason they don’t have outside food. 

Edited by - unnati on 18 June 2009 12:35:04

Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....Shri Vitthala Nam Vina Mantra Kya Thi Paou......Shri Vallabha Charan Vina Sharan Koni Jaou.....

Unnati Kadakia


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Junior Member

61 Posts
Posted - 18 June 2009 :  12:49:20
|| Sarvam Krishna Arpanam ||

Jai Shri Krishna !!

Thank you very much for the beautiful explanation.

However, I find it very hard difficult to accpet the fact that touching a person in Aparas can lead to catching the other persons impure vibration. I feel more comfortable with the fact that a pure devotee has enough grace that he can make a corrupt mind free. May be this is done considering the fact that we are not pure devotees but striving to reach that status.

Also, I thought that every preparation in a marriage is prepared after seeking the blessings of the Lord and the food is served to him before distributing. May be I am wrong.

Talking about these vibrations, does it also mean that a company of a non-devotee may corrupt the mind? If yes, then how do we make these non devotees to devotees without associating with them? I mean, if touching a vaishnav who hasnt had his bath leads to getting impure vibrations then how is it possible for a person to associate with non devotees?

Most of questions are due to ignorance and not a criticism of what is rigoroulsy followed in this Pushti Marg or some other sect. Go to Top of Page
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