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Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 09 March 2008 :  00:47:43

Jai Shree Krishna all Vaishnavas,

As a new member please can you answer a question for me. Was Damlajee or Damla a nickname for Damodardas Harsani one of our 84 Vaishnavas one of Shree Vallabh's disciples?


Mover & Shaker Member

280 Posts
Posted - 09 March 2008 :  18:22:05

Jai Shri Krishna!!!

Ya Damlajee was name of Shri Damodardasji Harsani

Jai Shree Krishna!!


Monica. Go to Top of Page
Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 10 March 2008 :  00:43:37

Jai Shree Krishna Monica,

Thank you


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Mover & Shaker Member

381 Posts
Posted - 26 March 2008 :  22:43:59
Jai Shri Krishna,

What is the significance of Damlaji's name and his position in our marg?

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Entry Level Member

44 Posts
Posted - 28 March 2008 :  23:44:10


damalajee holds very special place in pustimarg,

he is the first person to get bramsambhdan,

it is always said and known,that shree maharabhuji had created pustimarg for shree damodardasji ,as he use to tell him,

shree vallabh was very fond of shree damalajee,

the margs most gud(hidden rahsaya)bhaav,was given to damlajee by shree vallabh,

it was also a fact,that after mahaprabhuji asoorvyom leela,shree vallabh use to give him darshan on every third day,

after shree vallabh,he was the beholder of gud rahsya,and shree vithalnathji was very small,shree mahalashmiji vahuji(wife of shree mahaprabhuji),instructed shree vithal ,if he wanted to know bhaav and bhaavna of pustimarg he should consult damlajee,since shree vallabh had sudrad sampurna bhagwat bhaav and bhaavna ,and siddhant of pustimarg in shree damlajee,

In leela damlajee is swroop of shree lalitaji sakhi,

it is also known that shree mahaprabhuji asked from shree thakorji that ,never damaljees deh(body) should  leave in his presence,

once shree vithalnathji and shree damlajee were sitting together,at that time shree vithalnathji asked damlajee,how u consider shree vallabh,

to this damlajee said shree vallabh was sakhsat

thakorji,he said "daan bado ke data" that is through shree vallabhs grace he got thakorji,

so uttam bhaav shree damalajee beholded,

it is said that shree damlajee had not pust any diff swaroop for seva,since he had asakti in shree vallabh,and did his seva only,

if i go on describing shree damalajee words will fall less ,it is not possible for any jeev to describe him,so much uttam koti bhagwadi he was,sada bhagwat bhaav was sudhraad in his heart

  shree mahaprabhuji called damodardasjee with affection "Damala tu amla hai"

thus damala name was given to damodardasjee,

for any mistakes i ask for forgiveness in lotus feet of shree vallabh and shree thakorji


Edited by - shyamdasji on 28 March 2008 23:48:08

shyam vajani Go to Top of Page
Entry Level Member

24 Posts
Posted - 29 March 2008 :  03:08:39

Jai Shree Krishna all vaisnavas,

From my undertanding of Pusti Marg (please forgive me for getting anything wrong) is that Damlajee was Shree Vallabhs's Chief disciple and part of the 84 Vaisnavas. Shree Vallabh said that Pusti Marg was specifically for Damlajee (Damordasjee Harsani) and thru him to Shree Gosaiji so that Pusti Marg could be spread to more and more vaisnavas. Besides Shree Gosaijee (one of Shree Vallabh two children) was at the time only a small balak.  Damlajee was beloved of Shree Vallabh such that when once Shree Vallabh was asleep in Damlajee's lap and Thakorji Shree Govardthananth appeared before them Damlajee asked Him to wait and come back again later so as not to disturb Shree Vallabh in his sleep! When Shree Vallabh awoke he was angry with Damlajee but such was the prem between Damlajee and his beloved Shree Vallabh that he did not want to disturb Shree Vallabh even though thokoji had appeared! 

Umal is for Shree Nathji and Umla is for Shree Vallabh. Shree Vallabh named Shree Damodardasjee 'Damla'.

Shree Damodardas Hasanijee is taking birth again and again to guide Pusti Marg on the right path. Shree Mahaprabhuji himself ordered Damodardasji to take 10 births and 1 year of his life is equivalent to 100 yrs on Earth.

Jai Shree Krishna!




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Senior Member

215 Posts
Posted - 02 April 2008 :  01:56:16

shri damodardas ji is anshi rest of all are just his ansh

he has agreed to be born 10 times prior entering the nitya leela for

all of us vaishnavs every vaishnav has a part of damodar das jee

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Senior Member

215 Posts
Posted - 02 April 2008 :  02:01:14

this marg is for vaishnavs and it can only be mastered by satsang of capable vaishnavs

to prove this principal shree vallabh established entire pushti marg in damodardas jee

and not shree vitthalnath ji

shree vitthalnath jee aquired pushti marg from the heart of damodardas jee

so he never allowed shree damodardas jee charan sharsh untill the agya of shree vallabh prabhu

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