Entry Level Member
1 Posts
Posted - 10 October 2007 : 09:26:04
Jai shree Krishna, I have a question on performaing aarti for my Thakorji. I am very confused as some vaishnavs tell me that Aarti should NOT be performed in a vaishnav's house, it should only be sung to Thakurji. They said that Aarti should be performed only in a temple by mukhiyaji. Is this true? I am also going to be keeping yamunashtak paath in my house along with other vaishnav friends, should I just sing the aarti or actually perfrom the aarti using Thaali and aagni?
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 10 October 2007 : 12:30:33
Jai Shree Krishna
There is no such rule. A Vaishnav too can very much perform Aarthi at Home.
There is in fact no (barring a few, like perfroming shanknaad) differentiation between seva at a Haveli and that of at a Vaishnavs home.
In fact the Mukhiaji is performing seva on behalf of somebody, were as at our home, we perform the seva ourselves to our own sevya swaroopa, so if he has the rights, then we definetly have the rights to perform Aarthi. However, which aarthi can be performed and in front of whom differ from one gurughar to another, and that ought to be followed as per the guidance of theGurughar.
However, one should keep in mind that while singing aarthis / dhol pads etc, the content should be properly looked into. Many of us perform Aarthi of Shree Yamunaji which have the ingediants of maryada, such aarthis ought to be avoided.
Edited by - shreekant22 on 10 October 2007 13:08:01
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Mover & Shaker Member
280 Posts
Posted - 11 October 2007 : 12:29:14
Jai Shree Krishna!!!
Just wanted to know is Aarti to b done by lighting diyas or it can b done using a cloth in hand too (exactly don't know whtz tht but had seen some vaishnavs doing tht way) whtz the significance of such Aarti??? Wht shuld b practiced actually?
Jai Shree Krishna!!
PRO - / P.E.M. January 2004
1853 Posts
Posted - 19 October 2007 : 16:46:00
Jai Shree Krishna
Aarthis is usually offered using wicks made of cotton dipped in Ghee.
Dunno about cloth in hand, havent seen such a prakaar.
Shree Vallabha dheesh ki jai
Entry Level Member
46 Posts
Posted - 22 October 2007 : 14:29:09
Jai Sri Kishna,
Dear Bindupota ji,
Aarti is and should be done if you wish for thakurji.In pushti path th seva of thakrji is dne ith the spiit of nandalya in homes. We believe ou hme is the nand bhawan and everything present is for the anand of srithakurji. Some vaishnavs also do seva with sakha bava.
The tradition of arti slightly varies in pushti marg and in maryada marg. The process as described by srikanth bhai is right. As far as the arti with cloth etc. is there it is generally seen in maryada marg where dop, diya, jal and cloth are used to do arti of thakorji. The sevya swaroop arti in pushti marg is done with the batti (wick) of cotton dipped in ghee (Deshi Ghee no vegetable oils) . It basicaly represents the tadition that mata yashoda ji used to do to protect the protector of all our srinath ju sarkar from bad vision (nazar) and ill blessings. In marwar area of rajasthan still mothers do this ati of their sons on their birthdays
Acharya bhagan sri Jagadguru has given us the right with his blessings to touch feel and love our thakorji. He has transformed our homes into nand bhawans and has dircted us to a path which is powerful to awake a gpi within our heart. In Love there is no maryada. As gpis call themself ispurahatma in gopi geet similarly jagadguru bhagwan has wanted we (jeev) to love pushti purshotam (Brahma) with Love (prem) and the seva (Tanuja Vitaja and Mansa) stengthn this love.
SO IF WITH LOVE YOU DO YOU CAN D ARTI WITH ANYMODE AS YOU WISH (NOT Contrary to gurugrah prampara)Coz Anything you offer with love to god he rceives. Jagadguu bhagan has given us the right to perform seva and we do have a right to perfom ati seva in it.
Jai Sri Srinath Ji sarkar
Pandit Amit
Sri Gusai param dayalve namah, Jai sri SHRINATHJI sarkar,