Jai Jai ShriGokulesh ====>Today Many writers does essay on pushtimarg in their own way. Some says pushtimarg means the path of attaining grace from shriprabhu. But only this statement does not justify the pushtimarg in real sense. The positin of every jeev is only dependent on shriprabhu's grace-anugrah. Just like our body is been pushted by good food-water-air, our thoughts pushted by aacharan and just like a newly born baby is pushted by its mother's breast feeding. Similarly jeevatma is been pushted by Anugrah of Parmatma
Every jeevatma is the part of parmatma. And if parmatma (god) is feeling to be anugrah sheel, then aapshri will grace each and every jeevatma means every jeevatma will be a pushtimargi or not a single.
Vastutaha when shrimahaprabhuji kept pushtimarg as a sampraday (religion), it doesnt mean that only the followers of pushtimarg will be graced by prabhu. Moreover shrimahaprabhuji's siddhant is not that the followers of other sampradays -- panths will not be graced, except pushtimargi, it is not the only siddhant ..
Yes but shrimahaprabhuji had shown courtsey that the followers of different dharmamargs has the authority of bijbhaav of that dharmamarg. For eg, who likes to go in nimbark sampraday, will have bijbhaav in it, the maayavaadi's will be havng bijbhav to serve lord shiva, etc.. Means jeevatma has right to travel on any of the marg, but any jeevatma has no authority to travel on every marg. Jeevatma to follow which marg is been born selected by parmatma, which shows the bijbhaav.
Parmatma in the way inplants bij in jeevatma with grace, for a marg that jeev very easily gets attracted to that particular marg, and for a jeev to follow that marg is the krupa for that marg..
Krupa can be seen in many ways, for eg : - kansa-sishupal both very evil-wicked, still graced with forgive. Not taking in to account the sins & sinful works, just blessing with forgiveness, this is one type of grace. Putna came to kill shrikrishna, and applied poison to her breast and took shrikrishna to feed, but shrikrishna did not died, but putna died and she was graced to get place in heaven.....
During krishnavtaar, all the brajvaasi's were ni-saadhan which is said in bhagwat. In day time these brajvaasi's used to feed their cattle, and also engaged in family works, and at night gone to sleep with whole day's tireness. Still shriprabhu took birth over in between them. which indicates the ni-saadhanta. These ni-saadhan jeevs when becomes bhagwad-bhakts and prabhucharansharan-anuraagi, then shrimahaprabhuji says here the grace of shrithakurji is working, no other saadhans with unselfisn and strong love for parmatma takes birth in jeevatma's heart, then there is only the bhagwat krupa.... This is the fact of the real defination of pushtimarg. .
After wandering in the 84-lakh birth of different yoni's the unselfish bij-bhaav gets sprouted in bhagwadaasakti, and with grace of parmatma, jeev gets darshana of shriprabhu, this marg is pushtimarg.
Parmatma's shudh-pushti has led to shudh-pushti 84-kosh brajmandal during krishnavataar in krishnaleela for aapshri's bhakts. So even today also pushtimargi jeev serves their pushti-prabhu for to experience that pushtileela. For to see these leelas for listening to do manan, for this purpuse Braj 84-kosh yatra is done every year.
In the way during raas-leela, when shrikrishna gets dispersed and the Brah-swamini's searching in the kunj-gali's of vrundavan for shrikrishna, in the same way today's devotees does braj 84-kosh for searching their param-priya shrikrishna and these jeevs surely experience that "SADAA BRAJ HI MAIN KARAT VIHAAR".
The soul when travelled 84-lakhs yoni's (births), but who lacked to attain parmatma, then the parmatma who is Braj-Bihari then where to find him leaving the braj-mandal?????
In this way, according to the sentiment of Braj-bhakts in pushtimarg, Brajbhumi is the path to search Braj-Bihari..
With this Virah-Vyatha and tivratam utkantha every pushtijeev every year, listening to the katha of brah-bihari, bowing down head in kunj's, more madhur then rasna, charitra of shriprabhu doring rasswadaan kissing the kankar (stones) where brah-bihari did vihaar, accepting the biggest fortune of having braj-yatra..