Jai Jai ShriGokulesh
Badhaai to All ShriVallabh Charan Sharan Anuraagi Sevak-Vaishnavas for the Janmotsav of ShriGusaiji's Dwitiyakumar ShriGovindlalji Maharajshri.
Today is Ekadasi Vrat
ShriGokulesho Jayati
Today is the Janmotsav of Shrichaturthpeethadhishwar Pujyacharan NItyaleela Goswami ShriKanhaiya Prabhu (ShriVitthalnathji) (Shrimad Gokul). The day when aapshri came to the Gaadi of ShriChaturthpeeth.
Badhaai to all ShriVallabhcharanSharan ANuraagi Sevak-Vaishnavas for the Janmotsav of ShriGusaijis Saptamkumar ShriGhanshyamlalji Maharajshri